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Depraved Misadventures profile
Depraved Misadventures
Depraved Misadventures
Rhyparography - i.e., written smut


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Depraved Misadventures
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No seriously I've written like 40000 words in the last few months and they're all in an unpublishable state I'm honestly kinda annoyed with myself.
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Depraved Misadventures
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I feel like I could get so much done if I wasn't devoting 69% of my brainpower to the wrong thing all the time.
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Depraved Misadventures
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I finished something. Kinda. Sorta. It's barely anything. It's on the Discord. Enjoy it. Or not.
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Depraved Misadventures
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If you run out of ideas, take the porn writer's path: start with an idea that already exists, file the serial numbers off, and pornify it. Then, if you're not a porn writer, remove the explicit sex scenes. Maybe replace the hatefucks with action sequences.
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Depraved Misadventures
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Yeah I'm actually getting a decent amount of work done, just not on what I'm supposed to. Which...I'll take what I can get at this point.
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Depraved Misadventures
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I recently had an idea that baffled me. Not because it was way out of left field at all, but because it was such an obvious idea, I should have had it...years ago? I let it go for a little while--now that I've had the idea it'll sit there and wait its turn. But I returned to it yesterday and I think I realized the main reason my brain didn't let me have it before until a too-obvious piece of inspiration hoved into view: I already have enough of a backlog I don't need this added to it.

Probably won't stop me from working on it when inspiration hits though.
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