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A cute little rabbitfolk who likes to try everything.

*Instantly notified of new, completed, public pieces, which are posted here before anywhere else.

*Access to WIP's of all my projects.

*Able to request project files for any of my NSFW material.

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  • Access to subscriber-only posts, including sneak peaks of all my 18+ material!
  • Full-resolution/High-quality and Alternate versions!
  • Commission discounts and Project files!
Displaying posts with tag AmyRose.Reset Filter
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The Bridget's Revenge post got enough likes, so now the alts are public!
That being said, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to keep track of when older posts get likes in the long run, since I don't get notified of it. For the future, only images that get enough LC's before the next piece is posted will have their alts released.
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$10 markless versions. Project files available on request.

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Este post pertence a um $1 nível bloqueado.
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$5 HQ versions. Markless versions will be made public if this post gets 2 LC's.

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Textless and pussy-juice alts. HQ versions will be made public if this post gets 2 LC's.

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Este post pertence a um $1 nível bloqueado.
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"Bridget's Revenge".
Bridget is an anthropomorphic seal from a game called High Seas Havoc, styled after Sonic the Hedgehog. It came out over a month BEFORE Sonic CD, when Amy Rose was introduced. And five years later, Amy's design was changed to even more closely resemble Bridget... So the supposed ripoff got ripped-off by the thing it was ripping off.

Textless and pussy juice alts are available to paid subs OR to the public if THIS post gets at least TWO likes and/or comments.
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8 assinantes
347 publicação


$4 of $100
per month
If I make this much per month, I can afford to pay an assistant to help speed up my work, advertise, run my social media for me, etc. Because I can't do everything by myself.

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