Any and all support is greatly appreciated! Vote on upcoming content! (1 Vote). Access to our discord with the given role: "Cultured Apprentice." Discord access.
Any and all support is greatly appreciated! Vote on upcoming content! (1 Vote). Access to our discord with the given role: "Cultured Apprentice." Discord access.
Early access to the latest update! (3 Days early). Teasers for upcoming content. Vote on upcoming content! (2 Votes). Immortalised in the game's patreon credit wall. Access to our discord with the given role: "Cultured Adept."
Early access to the latest update! (5 Days early). Teasers for upcoming content. Vote on upcoming content! (3 Votes). Immortalised in the game's patreon credit wall. HD illustrations from the latest update. Access to our discord with the given role: "Cultured Expert."
Early access to the latest update! (5 Days early). Teasers for upcoming content. Vote on upcoming content! (5 Votes). Immortalised in the game's patreon credit wall. HD illustrations from the latest update. Access to our discord with the given role: "Cultured Master." Less about benefits and more for those who would really like to show their support.