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Kimmy couldn't believe it. Her life seemed to go really well, after all as a nubile teenie with an OnlyFans the money just kept coming.
All the freaks wanking themselves to her pics and videos payed her decadent lifestyle. But now there was someone in her DMs that wanted a meeting. A private show so to speak. He was prepared to pay her a pretty dime for it too.
But Kimmy wasn't sure she wanted any of that. The last thing she wanted was some random old guy getting his greasy old pecker out for her. No Sir! She certainly didn't need the cash but something about this strange stranger drew her in.
The person was in her home town, not miles away. And he paid top dollar to see her naked body in the flesh. Something she had always been too shy to do. In fact this whole situation was enough to get Kimmy feeling very naughty indeed...
She arrived at the local motel. An ordinary looking place to say the least. There were other young people here, on holiday perhaps? Or maybe visiting their grandparents or friends. No doubt her motel room would be nice and tidy though.
She had frigged herself silly in one their rooms and posted it on her OnlyFans. That the meeting place matched even to the room number should perhaps be a warning sign for the young teen but she threw caution to the wind and knocked on the door.
"Hi, are you Kimmy?" said a deep voice from behind the closed door. "I am your fan and I have come to meet you."
Something was familiar about his voice. In her nervousness she couldn't pinpoint it, but as she tried to think the door opened and a strong hand pulled her lithe body inside. As the door closed behind them she could smell his manly scent wafting towards her. He smelled like pure sex to her and it was having a rather pleasurable effect on her already highly excited body. His face was hidden behind a mask and his smoldering gaze roamed over her nubile body.
He led her over to the bed where he pulled off her hoodie and revealed her bare skin beneath. Then he pulled down her jeans and panties until they fell to the floor.
Her young pussy gushed out a little trickle of juice which made her even wetter down below. Her breasts were tiny and perfectly shaped and lifted high above her waist. Her nipples stood hard and erect for him and before she knew what was happening her eager lips were enveloped by his velvety soft tongue.
His hands held her by the hips as he pushed her back onto the bed. Before she knew it she felt the tip of his dick probing at her sweet slit. For a moment she was scared. It was so big! It looked way too big for such a small girl. But she didn't want him to stop now. Her young lust overwhelmed her common sense and instead of fighting he took her body firmly in his arms. With a mighty thrust his large shaft slid into her.
Kimmy screamed in pleasure as she experienced her first penetration by a real man. How could anyone resist that burning feeling deep inside? He gave her another good shove and she started moaning uncontrollably. It felt like she was being split in two! But she didn't care. This was too good to give up now.
"Oh fuck!" cried Kimmy as she orgasmed again. All the guys who paid her online for her pics got much less than this so far. But this was the best feeling of her entire life!
The young virgin screamed and arched her back against the huge cock that impaled her quivering hole. Then a flood of juices erupted from between her thighs. The man never let go of her hips. He continued pumping her and fucking her tight teeny hole with long powerful strokes.
Kimmy writhed under his massive assault and squealed when his balls slammed into her tender cunt causing a further climax. She thought she was going to die of sheer bliss as he fucked her mercilessly. Soon she lost count of how many times she came and then she simply blacked out.
A few minutes later Kimmy awoke with a start. The man continued to pump away at her but now he no longer held her tightly by the hips. Instead she was lying flat on the bed and his stiff cock was still sliding in and out of her twitching pussy.
He hadn't cum yet and she could feel his throbbing pole sinking into her depths deeper each time. She wanted him to fill her with hot seed and spill it deep inside her womb.

So she moved her body in time with his thrusts and rubbed her clit with her fingers while holding her legs wide apart to encourage him. All the while staring deeply into his intense blue eyes. What would he do if she asked him to cum inside her?
Then suddenly he released his grip on her waist and grabbed her slender legs pulling them straight up and spread open.
Kimmy gasped at the sudden change in position. But it turned her on even more. Without a word he began to hammer away at her hard and fast. The young teen found herself screaming out again as he rammed himself into her tight pussy, hard, faster and harder.
Finally he buried his massive rod deep inside her and grunted loudly as he spilled his seed deep inside her twitching hole. Her pussy squeezed and milked his cock as he emptied his sack of love juice into her body. They both collapsed on the bed together and lay panting. She could feel his dick twitch and convulse within her as he slowly finished emptying his cum.
When they finally caught their breath they looked at each other. Both breathing heavily. She smiled shyly at him. "Well? Did you enjoy yourself?"
She nodded happily. "I loved every minute of it!" She blushed. "More than I can tell you!"
"Thank you, thank you!" He murmured. He laid next to her and stroked her silky blonde hair gently. She snuggled close to him. But then her eyes zeroed in on distinct scar on the mans leg. It looked like a bite mark from a big dog.
Her mind went into overdrive because she had seen that scar many times before.
On her father's leg to be precise. Her eyes frantically searched his face. His lips, his cheekbones, his neck. The mask couldn't conceal all of it.
It was her dad that lured her here and fucked her silly. Her teenage self exploded in anger and fear. But now that she had discovered the truth she didn't know what to do. She was hurt and betrayed. But mostly angry! How dare he take advantage of her!
She would show him who was in charge as she straddled his lap and impaled her cunt onto his hard cock.
'Oh, daddy,' she smirked mischievously. 'You will beg me to use you as my personal fuck toy!' She plunged herself down onto his massive pole and rode him furiously.
He responded by taking hold of her by the hips and thrusting his shaft deep inside her clenching cunt. She bounced and ground herself against his muscular frame as she rode him as if she were possessed. His pounding increased and she let out a loud scream of ecstasy as her body was taken over by passion.
She slammed down on his shaft again and again, grinding her clit against his thigh. She couldn't control her lust and howling she came again.
He pounded his cock deep into her still trembling pussy. She would not stop fucking him till he had drained every drop of semen from his balls into hers.
She thrashed wildly as waves of pleasure ripped through her young body. She rocked forward and back, faster and faster as she sought to reach orgasm. She clawed at his back and dug her nails into his shoulders as he brought her closer to her climactic release.
Suddenly he pulled out and grabbed her slender waist and got behind her, pressing her lithe body into the matress. She felt his shaft rub against her soaking pussy lips and without waiting for her consent he rammed his massive member back into her wet hole.
She screamed in pleasure as he plowed her cunt like a mad man. She couldn't believe how incredible it felt as his prick stretched her ever so slightly each time he filled her full.
Kimmy's climax hit her like a tsunami wave as her ass bucked upwards against his dick. She couldn't breathe as her legs trembled underneath her. She felt her whole world shattering as wave after wave of ecstasy crashed over her. She couldn't contain her moans as he relentlessly hammered his shaft deep inside her. She gripped the linen with both hands and hung on for dear life. Her entire body spasmed as a huge wave of pulsating sensation engulfed her.
The orgasm ripped through her body and she nearly passed out from the intensity of the sensations ripping through her teenage cunt. Her vagina clenched around his shaft and milking it as she came over and over again.
He pumped away relentlessly and could barely keep pace with her twitching body. Each time she came he pushed his shaft deeper into her pussy. He could feel her cervix tightening as he pumped her fertile cunt with an animalistic fervor. Finally, finally he could hold it no longer and he unloaded all of his love juice deep inside her.
Kimmy shook violently as his cum swirled deep inside her womb. She had let her father cum inside of her and somehow that was ok with her. The amazing sensations just kept on coming as his load began to leak from her tender vagina. He collapsed next to her exhausted.
As the last shudders subsided he turned her over and kissed her passionately on the lips. Then he sat up and removed his penis from her gaping pussy.
Kimmy lay there as he caressed her breasts and ran his hands down her torso. She reached down and scooped up some of his cum leaking from her pussy and smeared it across his chest and stomach. Then she rolled onto her side and slid her arm around his shoulder and rested her head on his chest.
She sighed happily as she enjoyed the lingering afterglow of her first true sexual experience.
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Fleur's body was shoved into an unfamiliar bedroom. Strong arms encircled her and pulled her into tall, muscular body. A strong scent of perfume filled her nostrils, but not the light fragrance she was expecting - she smelled something rich and dark and alluring. She heard a deep voice murmur in her ear, "I've missed you."

As she tried to answer back with a few soft words, the world suddenly turned upside down as a firm grip on her waist shifted her off balance. Then the bed lurched forward and all she could feel were strong hands holding her steady, carrying her deeper and deeper into the soft mattress.

A hand grabbed her jaw firmly and turned it slightly so that she faced her assailant. A burning gaze greeted her and Fleur's heart thumped loudly at the sight of his green eyes. Harry Potter's hooded eyes held hers for what seemed like forever before he lowered his head to press a soft kiss on her mouth. As they kissed their tongues danced against each other; Fleur was intoxicated by the smell and taste of Harry, remembering every sensation from the last time they had been together.

He ran his fingers through her hair softly, brushing it aside so he could explore her neck, kissing and sucking the skin there, making Fleur shiver in pleasure. Her pussy became wetter and hotter at his touch and her moans increased. When she felt the heat building up inside her she moved closer to him, running her hands along his back until she could get a hold of his tight ass.

She spread her legs further apart, giving Harry more room to move and she pushed herself against his crotch. The bulge in his jeans was very noticeable now, pressing against her bare thighs and making her clit swell even more. Fleur pressed harder against him, increasing the friction between them, moaning at the delicious sensations coursing through her body.

Harry's fingers slid under the hem of her t-shirt, slowly moving upward until he reached the smooth skin of her stomach. His fingers teased her nipples, teasing them hard and sending shooting bolts of lust straight through her veins. They quickly found their way down towards her hot centre and Fleur cried out when she felt his fingertips slide against her slick folds.

His finger traced the length of her slit gently, teasing her clit with a soft touch, feeling her cunt clenching around his digit. He bent down again and lightly nibbled at her neck. Fleur felt like her entire being was on fire and she let go of everything in her mind except for this moment. The wonderful feelings flooding through her whole body and Harry's hot breath caressing her neck sent a bolt of electricity straight to her core.

Fleur began to pant heavily and she started squirming beneath him, moaning loudly when he took one of her erect nipples into his mouth. Her hips bucked wildly, rubbing herself against Harry's hard cock. Her cries of passion grew louder, drowning out the sound of their moans. Fleur threw her head back, enjoying the pleasure that was building inside her. It felt like all her nerve endings were exploding, leaving her lost in blissful pleasure.

Her fingers went to Harry's belt buckle, undoing it quickly. Harry helped her out, pulling his jeans down until his throbbing cock sprang free. Fleur inhaled sharply at the sight of it. It was thick and long, standing proudly against the hardness of his abs. She wrapped her hand around it and squeezed gently, hearing a loud groan come from Harry.

Fleur leaned forward and licked the tip of Harry's cock, teasing him with gentle swirls of her tongue. When he arched his back and thrust forward, demanding more, she engulfed the entire shaft in hot, little mouth.

Harry gasped as she sucked him into her mouth, enjoying the taste of him. There was no resistance to her movements; Harry simply sat back and enjoyed the sensations that pulsed through his groin. After a while he guided her head up and took control of her movements, pushing himself forwards and pulling her backwards with his hand.

When his balls brushed against her chin she used the momentum to pull him even deeper, taking him as far as she could. The air suddenly rushed out of her lungs as she took all of him in her mouth.

The sounds coming from Fleur's throat told him she liked what she was doing. His balls tightened up and he pushed hard, forcing himself further into her hungry mouth. Her lips parted and she moaned around his cock, showing him how much she wanted it. He continued fucking her face as hard and fast as he could, wanting nothing more than to fill her mouth with his cum.

His release was close and he knew it would be soon, and he didn't want to stop. The thought of having her swallow his cum made him ram his cock as deeply as possible into her eager mouth. When he came his juices flowed freely, coating the back of her throat.

When he finally stopped cumming he pulled away from her. Fleur was dazed and breathing hard. She looked up at him and smiled faintly, his still hard cock rubbing against weeping cunt lips.

"You are such a dirty slut, aren't you?" He said with a smirk, wiping the spit from her cheek. He knelt down in front of her and slapped her aching clit with his dick, making her gasp in surprise. He rubbed his wet cock across her sensitive skin, spreading the slippery liquid over her dripping pussy.

Fleur squirmed against him, wishing he'd put it inside her already. He stared at her naked breasts for a moment longer before dipping his head and licking her right nipple. She moaned when he bit her nipple and he flicked his tongue against her hard nub, then switched to her left nipple.

After teasing both of her tits for a while he lifted her legs and slipped them over his shoulders. She closed her eyes and felt his thick cockhead parting her wet lips.

"Oh fuck!" She screamed, watching in anticipation as he pressed his cock against her entrance. Fleur felt her body tense up as he entered her. Every inch of him penetrated her and she bit her lip hard as he got deeper and deeper. He pulled her close, burying himself as far as he could in her willing pussy.

His fingers moved underneath her belly, massaging her clit as he slowly pumped in and out of her body. Their moans mingled together as he fucked her, making her clit pulse in delight.

He buried himself as deep as he could, grinding against her as he felt his climax approach. He wanted this to last forever and he imagined himself giving Fleur multiple orgasms as he kept fucking her. She felt every movement of his dick and it excited her beyond measure.

He grunted and threw his head back, feeling his cock being gripped by her inner walls. Her cunt spasmed around his aching member but he settled into a new rhythm and pressed on, hammering her sweltering insides with his full weight.

She screamed and her nails dug into his shoulders as she felt her orgasm surge through her body, overtaking her senses. He pounded into her hard, pounding her into the bed, never slowing down, knowing that he wouldn't last long either.

Harry shouted as he released into her, filling her tight pussy with his load. He stayed inside her, continuing to fuck her even after he finished. Fleur wasn't sure how much more she could take, but the pleasure kept surging through her. She clenched her teeth and tried to keep from screaming again as her orgasm ripped through her.

He speared his cock into her once more, reaching around to rub her swollen clit as she came down from her high. Fleur was glad to have Harry on top of her, keeping her pinned to the bed. She was breathing heavily, trying to recover from her high as continued to thrust into her. He smirked at her and leaned down, kissing her passionately.

"Now, who's the dirty slut?" Harry asked, grinding his hips into hers and making her whimper in pleasure.

They kissed deeply and hungrily, sharing every ounce of passion between them. Their bodies rocked together, colliding over and over again. Harry continued to penetrate her slowly, loving the feel of her tight cunt gripping him tightly.

Their kisses became more heated as Harry picked up the pace. Fleur loved how Harry dominated her, taking charge of the situation and making sure that she always got what she wanted.

Harry finally slammed himself into her, driving his cock deep into her womb, filling her completely. They stayed like that for a minute, catching their breaths, enjoying the feeling of being connected. Fleur's pussy twitched around Harry's dick as she felt his fluids flow into her body. She tightened her legs around his waist and pulled him into her, making sure she got every drop.

He lay atop her for a while, just enjoying the feeling of her warmth surrounding him. Eventually they came down from their high and he rolled off her, resting his head next to hers on the pillow. Fleur smiled when she felt his warm breath tickling her ear.

"It's nice to know that we will do this for years to come," she whispered.

Harry nodded his head. "Definitely."

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Harry Potter, the Saviour of Wizarding Britain, is the best friend of Hermione Granger. They have known each other for more than 8 years. He is 6'2 tall and through rigorous training for duelling and Quidditch his frame has filled out with lean muscles giving him a classical swimmer's build of body.
His raven black hair sits like a wild mop and gives him the look of a rugged rogue.
His round, golden frames sit atop a aristocratic nose and he has bright emerald eyes that seem to sparkle with hidden power.
He wears his school uniform more relaxed and casual.
He desires Hermione Granger greatly. He wants her for himself and is ready to seduce the busom bookworm to have his wicked ways with her.
He imagined having his fingers tangled in her brown locks while he ravished her creamy flesh. He pictured the sensation of having her supple curves wrapped around his body as they rocked against each other making passionate love on the floor.
He can hear her whimpering into his ear as she moans his name, her tongue circling his neck until it reaches his throbbing member which she takes into her mouth and sucks hard and fast. The sounds of their pleasure filled his ears and made him hornier than ever before.
That night when the two friends were hanging out after classes, Harry started things off by taking Hermione's hands in his own. "I think I might need some help studying." He said with a devilish grin on his face. Hermione looked at him wide eyed. "Study? With me?" She asked astonished. Harry nodded slowly. "Well alright then."
She blushed a little bit but then a small smile crept onto her lips.
Harry took this opportunity to press himself against her back and he whispered in her ear "I was thinking of doing some research into a special topic."
"Oh yeah? What sort of topic is that?" She asked leaning into him slightly so she could feel his hardening cock pressing against her ass. Harry's breath felt hot against her ear.
"Something that I've been wanting to do since the Yule Ball ... you remember?" His hand moved down to the hem of her skirt and slowly ran up her smooth thighs underneath the fabric of her knickers. Hermione shivered at the feeling of his fingers tickling the outside of her pussy and pressed herself against him even harder.
"Oh yes..." She moaned into his ear. "We should get started right away. There's plenty of time before we need to leave for dinner." She said squeezing his cock through his trousers. Harry smiled widely and led her upstairs to his dorm room where he took off his robes revealing his tanned and muscular body.
She admired his beautiful body and the magnificent bulge between his legs that seemed ready to burst out any moment. He reached behind her back and unclasped her bra letting it fall to the ground and then undid her tight knickers pulling them down her shapely hips and off leaving her naked from the waist down.
She was impressed by how quickly he had taken charge. He must have read her mind and was already fully prepared.
As soon as they entered the bedroom he began to kiss her neck and his hand moved to caress her ample bosom. He pulled her close and she wrapped her arms around his neck enjoying the sensation of his hands wandering over her warm body. He pushed her back onto the bed and climbed on top of her moving his lips from her neck down to her pert, soft breasts.
She moaned softly as his lips nibbled and sucked on her nipples and the hardness inside his pants rubbed against her ass cheek teasing her.
She writhed beneath him as his hand travelled lower still, pausing at the opening of her thighs and parting her legs so he could explore her moist sex with his fingertips.
Hermione arched her back and raised her legs so he could gain access easily to her tight, pink pussy.
The slight hint of his scent mingled with hers as he gently licked her pussy. He gently kissed her mound as he teased her with his probing tongue. It felt heavenly. He brought one finger up to stroke her clit as he worked his other hand to massage her g-spot and massage her juices into her skin.
Hermione let out an erotic moan as the vibrations of her pleasure mixed with the deep rumble of his chest. Harry suddenly recalled a book he read in the Restricted Section about parselmouths in his second year.
While a parselmouth speaks in parseltongue his tongue vibrates causing a pleasurable friction to his partner during oral or anal sex. Hermione's moans became louder and the force of her pleasure pushed Harry's tongue deeper into her wet hole causing her to gasp as her climax hit her. She screamed out his name in ecstasy as she came uncontrollably on his expert tongue.
He descended on her clit and let his vibrating tongue touch her sensitive nub sending her spiralling into another orgasmic release. Her legs trembled and collapsed under her as she fell limp in his arms.
"God that was incredible!" She gasped recovering from her intense climax.
"Are you kidding? You're just getting warmed up." Harry replied as he continued to lightly lick her outer lips.
She lay there for a few minutes just basking in the post-coital glow, her breathing ragged.
"You're going to make me come again." She whispered, trying to catch her breath. Harry laughed mischievously.
"I just want to make sure that you enjoy yourself every step of the way." He replied rubbing his stiffening cock up and down her slit teasingly.
Hermione turned her head to look at him. "Is that so?" She asked coyly.
"Mmmhmmm." He replied confidently. He slapped his meaty cock against her mons once.
 Twice. Three times.
"Mmmmmm!" She cooed.
He slowly slid into her tight pussy pushing deeper with each thrust until she was completely impaled upon him. Her insides clenched around him as he filled her. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on her neck as he pumped his rock hard cock into her. She closed her eyes and groaned as she began to match the rhythm of his thrusts. Her cunt tightened around his dick making her cry out.
The power of his thrusts pounded her pelvis and caused her clit to rub against his pubic bone.
He plunged into her sweltering depths with reckless abandon. She gasped and cried out his name as wave after wave of her orgasm washed over her body. Harry slowed his pace and held himself deep within her as her orgasms faded.
Hermione slowly opened her eyes and met his gaze. Her whole body was drenched in sweat and her breath was coming in short gasps.
He gazed deeply into her eyes. Their tongues played around each other's mouths as he pressed on and pistoned his thick rod into her willing hole.
Their bodies slapped together as they writhed against each other. He could feel her heart pounding against his chest and the heat emanating from her body made him burn with desire.
"Harry... please don't stop!" She moaned begging him to continue. Harry's eyes flared with lust and he resumed his assault upon her twat with renewed vigour.
His hands cupped her pert, perky breasts and squeezed them gently and Hermione let out a loud sigh of pleasure. His strokes grew faster and harder and her walls clamped down tightly around his shaft, milking him for everything he had.
Hermione's moans got louder and higher pitched.
"HARRY! FUCK ME HARDER!" She cried out grabbing hold of his powerful shoulders and forcing his rigid member deep inside her. He complied as best he could without causing her any injury.
Hermione's entire body quaked with every forceful thrust. Her entire body seemed to contract at once as she came yet again. She dug her nails into his muscular shoulders and grunted with every plunge he made.
He let go of her breasts and wrapped his strong arms around her slim waist and panted as he plundered her aching pussy. He fucked her relentlessly driving her mad with lust. He could see her entire body trembling as she tried to keep control of herself but it wasn't easy.
Harry knew he couldn't last much longer. He didn't know if she wanted to or not, but he needed to fill her up with his seed. He increased the speed of his thrusts and reached down to pinch her swollen clitoris as he drilled her pussy with a fury that only Hermione would understand.
The sensations between their bodies were unlike anything either of them had experienced.
They both were too overcome with lust to care anymore. All that mattered was cumming together and bringing each other as much pleasure as possible.
Hermione came first screaming Harry's name as he buried himself deep within her pussy and convulsed violently shaking his entire body as he ejaculated with a great roar filling her with his hot sperm. As his balls emptied their potent contents into her twat, Harry thought he had died and gone to heaven. It felt so good to finally lose himself in someone who truly understood him.
Hermione was still shaking violently and was struggling to regain her composure.
"Wow!" She whispered.
"Yeah." He sighed. "Let's take a shower and get cleaned up."
Harry rolled off her and she climbed off the bed and walked over to the en suite bathroom. She noticed he was watching her with rapt attention and couldn't help smiling at his shameless gaze.
She started the water running and stepped into the shower to rinse herself off. She turned to face him and watched as he admired her slender figure and long legs. She smiled and beckoned him towards her. Harry gave no hesitation and eagerly stepped into the shower next to her.
As soon as he was under the stream of warm water his cock immediately sprung to life and began to grow larger in her hand. Hermione couldn't help but give it a few gentle squeezes which caused Harry to groan with desire.
Hermione grabbed the soapand lathered it all over his toned body, paying special attention to his cock which had become extremely engorged and had begun to leak precum like a tap. Harry moaned and put his hand on the side of the shower enclosure to steady himself as she stroked his cock.
She turned around and feigned to drop the soap. With an exaggerated move she bend over presenting Harry with an exquisite view of her bruised cunt. She rubbed her dripping wet pussy over his throbbing erection. Harry gripped the wall for support as his cock swelled even more. He could barely stand.
"Wanna fuck me now?" She purred seductively. Harry nodded enthusiastically and slid his cock between her plump ass cheeks causing her to let out a muffled scream as his cock penetrated her tender pink pussy.
 He held onto her waist as he sank his fat cock into her burning hot snatch. The sheer amount of liquid that gushed from her hole caused her to shake violently.
He picked up the pace gradually building up a frenzy.
Her moans grew louder and she gripped his arm tighter as he drove himself into her. 
He released her shoulder and let his hands wander down her body exploring every inch of her succulent flesh.
Hermione closed her eyes and gave herself up to the pleasure he was giving her. She was desperate for him to give her what she craved and then some. She begged him to move faster and he obliged.
She turned her head back to meet his gaze as he thrust his cock into her from behind. He grabbed her buttocks and used his thumbs to spread her cheeks wide open so he could get as deep inside her as possible.
"Harry, I'm gonna..."
She felt his cock jerk inside her causing her to gasp and call out his name. She went limp momentarily and allowed herself to be carried away by the intense waves of ecstasy washing over her body.
It took her several seconds to regain her senses before she realised she had been calling out his name while he was fucking her. 
Harry didn't seem to notice or care as he kept up the relentless pace. His breathing became ragged and laboured as he fucked her mercilessly. He reached around to her firm breasts and massaged her nipples. She cried out and threw her head back moaning loudly. Harry knew he wouldn't last much longer. He bit his lip and grabbed her hips digging his fingers into her skin causing her to wince in pain.
With his final thrust he erupted into her womb and flooded her insides with his potent sperm. Hermione was beyond words and let out a primal scream as she bucked her hips wildly meeting his thrusts with her own. They moaned and cried out each other's names as their souls merged.
He pulled out of her and let his cock flop loosely between her ass cheeks as he helped her out of the shower. Hermione wiped the steam away from the mirror and looked at her reflection. She felt tired and sore but incredibly satisfied.
She had given him everything he ever wanted and in return she received an indescribable level of fulfillment. She ran her hands through her hair and sighed contently.
"Oh Harry. Thank you." She whispered to the man whose cock had just rocked her world.
"My pleasure." He said gazing lovingly into her sparkling brown eyes. He wrapped his arm around her and led her out of the bathroom.
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Josh, the son, lusts after his Mother who had been
pregnant with him at 14. Now he is eighteen and his mom is 32. She is a fit and athletic

Josh swiped the sweat off his brow. He squinted and felt the blistering heat that had gripped
the city in the last week. He finished his morning jog and felt his drenched clothes on his
heated skin. A cool and relaxing shower should definitely help.

As the cold water sprayed his hard muscles his mind wandered towards the smoking hot
woman whom he shared the small house he lived in. His mother had him pretty young, so
they only were 14 years in apart in age. Her tits were still magnificent and her skin was
unblemished from time.

Now she was about 32, but you would think she was in her twenties if you just looked at her.
Even though her hips were starting to widen slightly as a result of having Josh around she
still retained a toned body that turned heads everywhere she went. And let's not forget the fact
that her soft supple lips and perfect smile made every man feel inadequate.

He took one more moment to enjoy the cold shower before getting out and throwing on some
jeans and a plain black T-shirt. After finishing he noticed that there was no sign of his Mom
or any form of breakfast. This was pretty normal for her; he usually got himself something to
eat before leaving for school while she stayed home and did her work. So he walked
downstairs into the kitchen where he found his mom sitting at the table staring intently at the
laptop. She didn't look up when he entered.

"You're up early today," Josh said in an attempt to start a conversation. "And it's Friday too."
She didn't respond, nor did she look up. Just continued staring at the screen as if there was
something really interesting going on. Her smooth shoulder-length hair hung down over her
face covering most of it from view.

"I didn't know that Fridays are the days when men visit MILFs, don't tell me that you're
addicted to online porn now?"

Still nothing.

His cock hardened under his shorts at this point. He hadn't had sex in almost three months
and was starting to get horny. His mother wasn't wearing anything that would show what he
wanted to see. No visible cleavage, her shirt was loose fitting, and he could tell by looking at
her eyes that she wasn't wearing any panties.

It also bothered him how erotic it was to find his mother sexually attractive. She was his
mother for crying out loud! But every time he saw her he couldn't keep his thoughts to

But right now all that was running through his head was her firm full breast. He was finally
able to see them through her blouse and he started fantasizing about sucking on them. Her
nipple stood erect, begging to be licked and sucked. The thin fabric seemed like a barrier
between his tongue and her breasts and he pushed his desire to the back of his mind.
Just then he heard her snort laugh. He figured she must have been reading a story that
involved some type of fantasy. Since she wouldn't look at him, he quickly decided to act like
nothing was wrong. As he poured himself a glass of orange juice, he took note of her figure
as she sat across from him. For being in such good shape she didn't seem to eat much. All her
meals consisted of salad and lean meats. Maybe it was because she was trying to lose some

Her white skin, smoothness, and tight belly drew him in. From time to time her nipples
would poke through the sheer fabric of her blouse and flaunt themselves in his direction.
Although he didn't want to admit it, his cock started twitching again. She leaned forward
placing her elbows on the table.

Her silky, wet tanned legs spread wide, and the jeans that hugged them firmly outlined her
pussy perfectly. Josh sighed. If he were alone he would have slid his hand into his pants and
stroked himself already. But since he wasn't, he pulled his arm away and put the glass down.
His mouth was dry from watching her and the juices building up inside his balls were
beginning to ache. This was it. This was the time to make his move. He quickly swallowed
the rest of his drink and waited until she took another sip. He quickly placed the glass back
down on the counter next to her, and without even thinking he reached out and caressed her

A gasp came out of her lips. It was quiet, yet loud enough for him to hear. He smiled to
himself and gently moved his fingers to her lips, moving them up and down as if wiping
away some invisible smudge. When he brought his hand away she grabbed it and held it to
her lips kissing each finger individually. Her kiss caused a shiver to run through his body.
"Josh, please...please go to your room and I'll meet you there in a minute."
This startled him and he slowly dropped his hand from her face. He wasn't sure if she was
serious or not. Maybe it was just a joke to see if he would fall for it.
At first, he thought she was messing with him, but as she stared deep into his eyes, she
suddenly leaned in and kissed him passionately.

The shock and surprise were gone as he eagerly returned her kiss. They broke apart and
stared at each other for a few seconds. Josh leaned in and tried to kiss her again, but she
placed her hands against his chest pushing him back.
"No," she whispered in a seductive voice, "it isn't time for that yet. Go upstairs."
"Are you sure? You look really sexy right now."
"Go, now!"
Josh chuckled and kissed her on the forehead.
"Ok. See you in a little bit."
He grabbed his book bag, ran upstairs and closed the door behind him. Once he finished
putting everything away, he changed into a pair of sweats and laid on the bed with his laptop.
He needed to do something.

It wasn't long before his Mother knocked on the door. He sat up and opened it to find her
standing there completely naked. It wasn't easy not to stare. She had trimmed pubic hairs,
which left just enough for him to grab onto. He could see her clit peeking out and knew that
she shaved everything else. He licked his lips involuntarily at the sight. She looked beautiful.
His dick instantly stiffened and throbbed painfully in his boxers. Without warning she walked
in closing the door behind her. She bent down to give him a hug and began massaging his
shoulders. He took a quick breath in and was glad that he decided to put on sweats. He
inhaled the smell of her perfume. It was intoxicating. It seemed like the scent was meant
specifically for him. He wondered if she ever used it on anyone else.

When their bodies came together, he forgot all about his raging boner. He squeezed his eyes
shut in pleasure and kissed her deeply. His mouth was flooded with saliva and his tongue
immediately pushed its way past her lips searching for hers. She responded by opening her
mouth allowing him access. Their tongues mingled together and he moaned in satisfaction.
She broke away after several minutes, breaking the kiss. She began walking towards the bed
but never stopped rubbing her body against his. Her tits rubbed against his chest and her hard
nipples grazed his flesh causing chills to race up his spine.

Without saying a word, she pulled down his boxers and grabbed his already throbbing cock.
She looked up into his eyes and he watched as the passion within her grew. She removed his
boxers and dropped them to the floor. He felt her warm soft hand wrapped around his cock
and a feeling he had never experienced washed over him. He became weak in the knees and
his knees buckled underneath him. She caught him and quickly sat down on the bed bringing
him down with her.

"Oh fuck!"

Her wet lips wrapped around his member and slid up and down slowly at first. Then faster
and harder. She kept doing this until she sucked in all 8 inches. His toes curled as he prepared
to cum. He looked down and saw her drooling spit onto his dick and playing with her own
wet cunt. Her pink and swollen clit stuck out between her labia. She was soaking wet.
As his mom sucked on his cock, he instinctively knew what to do. He rolled her onto her
back and quickly positioned himself above her.

He hesitated for a second before he plunged into her waiting hole. She threw her head back
and groaned in ecstasy. Her walls clenched around him as he began pumping into her. Every
thrust sent waves of pleasure throughout his entire body. His balls slapped against her ass
with every stroke causing an audible thud.

The slap of their bodies as they moved together, caused both of them to moan. Their bodies
smashed together and her breasts mashed against his chest.
She pulled him closer to her, wrapping her arms around his neck and tugging at his short hair.
She tilted her pelvis upwards increasing the pressure on his groin.
"Harder, fuck me harder Josh!"
Her request spurred him on and he increased his pace. With every stroke, his cock slipped
deeper into her hole. He closed his eyes to block out the pain. At times it felt like his dick
was tearing into her body. However, she loved it and encouraged him to continue.
The slapping sound of their bodies combined with the sounds of her moaning became louder
and louder. Both of them felt the tension building up inside of them and they weren't sure if
they could take much more.

Suddenly she stiffened beneath him. In an instant, her muscles contracted violently pulling
his shaft further into her depths.
His eyes flew open as he began shooting stream after stream of hot cum into her welcoming
womb. He felt his mom begin to shake violently as she milked him for all he had. He held
onto her hips trying to prolong his orgasm as long as possible. When he was done, his mother
collapsed onto the bed panting heavily.

He fell next to her and breathed heavily trying to catch his breath. She reached down and
gently stroked his cock causing it to soften.
She rested her head on his chest and he embraced her tightly. After a while, she let go of him
and kissed his forehead.

"Thank you, Josh. That was so wonderful."

He didn't respond. Instead, he leaned in and kissed her on the lips. It lasted only a few
seconds before he withdrew.
She looked up at him and smiled.
"I'm going to shower now, Josh. Be back in a few."
With that, she got up off the bed and went into the bathroom. A moment later the water
turned on. Josh followed her into the bathroom and slipped behind her in the shower. She
spun around and gave him a huge smile.

"Well, well, well. What have we here?"
He could feel his cock stirring again at the look of her naked body in front of him. She
stepped into the shower and let the water cascade over her head. She looked up at him and
beckoned him closer.

"Come on, baby. Let's get cleaned up. We have lots of things to talk about."
They washed each other's body and he could barely contain himself as he rubbed her body.
Her soft tits squished against his skin as he brushed them across his body. Her firm round ass
squeezed against his cock as he lathered it up with soap. He couldn't wait any longer.
"I'm getting hard again," he said softly.

She smiled and cupped his erection.

"Looks like I've got some work to do."
And with that, she gripped his shaft and sank it deep into her warm moist pussy. He arched
his back and closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of her tight walls squeezing his rod. The
wet, slippery sensation sent shocks of pleasure throughout his entire body.

His cock hit bottom and stayed there. He moved in and out of her slowly savoring every inch
of her. Every movement sent waves of ecstasy through his body. Every time he entered her he
could feel his balls bouncing against her.

Her soft tits continued to bounce against his chest with every stroke and her labia pulsated
invitingly. He reached up and squeezed one of them between his thumb and forefinger as he
thrust into her once more. She gasped in pleasure and wrapped her arms around his neck
pressing herself tighter against him.

The sensations became too much to bear and he felt his release approaching rapidly. He
closed his eyes and concentrated on how good she felt. The heat and friction coupled with her
tightness and his gentle strokes, created an explosion that was almost beyond belief.
"Fuck Mom! I'm gonna cum!"

Just before he could finish speaking, he heard her words of encouragement.
"Don't stop, baby. Cum in my pussy!"
Josh grunted as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through his body. He felt his nuts
tightening and he knew that he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. Suddenly, his entire
body stiffened and he exploded inside of her womb sending jets of white cream flying

When he finally stopped, he leaned forward and kissed her. This time he did it with much
more force and passion than before. His cock was still inside his mother's pussy. He thanked
his young body because in seconds he was rock hard again and started to thrust once more.
They continued fucking until neither of them could move. The sound of the water running
down the drain served as a rhythm to their lovemaking.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and pushed herself closer to him. Their naked bodies
moulded together as they fucked each other senseless.
Each time she came she would squeeze his dick harder and harder milking him dry. His
mother was truly a sex machine. She was relentless. Nothing could keep her from satisfying
her desires.

After several minutes she tensed and let out a loud moan. Her walls constricted around his
cock and sent an incredible amount of pleasure through his body. He could feel her inner
walls squeezing his sperm out of his body. She screamed as she convulsed and orgasmed
violently sending waves of pleasure rippling through her body. He held onto her tightly and
came once again filling her with another load of his seed.

Afterwards, they lay in silence side by side under the warm spray of the shower. Their bodies
intertwined in a passionate embrace. Finally, they pulled apart. He reached down and ran his
fingers through her hair. She leaned in and kissed him tenderly on the lips.
"You are amazing, Josh. You're the best son a woman could ask for."
Then she kissed him again and left the shower. He watched her as she walked into the
bedroom. He had no idea how he was going to sleep tonight.

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Nessa was always a precocious child. When she was younger she knew instinctively how to
rile up her older brothers. She would always flaunt her pussy in front of them. Sometimes
even masturbating in front of them, knowing that her parents would stop her brothers if they
were to go after her.

Even when she wasn't pleasuring herself she would wear short skirts or show off her
underwear, always looking for a way to tease and taunt them. She loved it when her brothers
took an interest in her. All three boys would tell themselves what a hot little piece of ass
Nessa had been since birth.

What it must be like to make love to such a beautiful little girl with such long legs and a taut
body, she seemed like a perfect woman trapped in a young girl's body. They never told Nessa
this, they would pretend that they wanted to be gentle and loving with her. The fantasies of
fucking their sister kept them hard throughout most of their lives. Even as adults they would
have dreams where they could still care for Nessa.

And then the opportunity arrived when Nessa started High School. Her parents were going on
a long vacation, leaving her and her three brothers in charge of the house. These weeks would
mark their lives forever.

Mike, John and Paul had it all planned out. They would do everything in their power to make
Nessa into their perfect little sex slave. First, they would have some fun teaching her a few
lessons, punishing her for teasing them so much in the past. This punishment was necessary
because her brothers felt guilty for wanting to fuck her ever since she was born. As you might
imagine, it was extremely difficult for them to restrain themselves around their baby sister.
They each thought about it constantly. It was a special thing having Nessa as their sister,
something they never shared with anyone else.

Once the "punishment" phase was over they would turn their full attention to her sexual
education. In addition to being the youngest, she was also by far the smallest girl in her class.
This made her all the more appealing to her brothers. There was no other way than to train
her properly to satisfy them, to prepare her for her destiny as their sex slave.

First came the initiation. Each night for the first two weeks of the summer, while their parents
were out of town, Mike, John and Paul brought Nessa into their room, and stripped her
naked, leaving her helpless to resist their commands. They humiliated her and tortured her by
fondling and abusing every part of her body, turning her completely against her will.

The humiliation and torment they inflicted upon her was horrific but not painful. Nessa began
to enjoy being stripped and violated by her brothers, especially when they threatened her with
rough anal rape and throat choking if she didn't obey. After this period of extreme discipline,
they put her through one exercise after another designed to ensure that she understood the
rules of submission. 

They forced her to be tied up and immobilized so that she couldn't move.
Then they would play with her until she screamed. They tried different kinds of orgasm
control devices on her; forcing her to take their cocks as deep as possible down her throat.
They also tried strap-ons on her tiny virgin cunt. Every day, without fail, they abused and
humiliated her. They all knew it wouldn't be easy, but they just wanted to make sure that their
baby sister would be totally committed to serving her brothers.

And they did.

By the end of the second week, Mike was confident that he had Nessa under complete
control. He knew he could now begin his training to mould her into a slut who would happily
perform any and every degrading act for her brothers. 
So the next morning, when Nessa
entered the kitchen, naked except for a leash attached to her collar, Mike immediately put her
through a rigorous series of tests. He asked her to kneel in front of him, took hold of the
leash, and ordered her to kiss his cock. When she hesitated at first, Mike said "Look Nessa,
you can either give me a good morning blowjob, or I'll punish you."
"Please Master", Nessa cried out.

Mike smiled and responded, "You're in ours now bitch, remember? You are now our property.
We can do anything we want to you, whenever we want to, whether you like it or not."
At that moment Nessa looked into her brother's eyes, the expression of pain, terror and
despair on her face melting away as the rage of her desire took over. She opened her mouth
wide and greedily engulfed her brother's throbbing member. She sucked his cock with gusto,
eager to please him. Mike loved seeing his little sister respond to his authority in this way.
After several minutes of sucking and stroking his cock, he finally pulled his dick from her
mouth and commanded, "Now open your fucking mouth, I'm gonna cum!" Nessa eagerly
complied and swallowed all of his cum, licking his shaft clean afterwards. He grabbed the
leash, jerked it, and turned Nessa around facing the breakfast table. As he started eating, he
commented, "If you continue to impress me like this, you're gonna be able to eat whatever
you want for breakfast."

Nessa beamed. "Thank you, master."

Mike smiled back at her and nodded, telling her, "Don't thank me yet. You're still my bitch,
and there are lots of things I'm gonna make you do before breakfast."

Over the next few days, Nessa continued to serve her brothers by giving blowjobs to them in
the morning and servicing their needs at night. Soon, however, they wanted more. They
gathered her up and brought her into their parent's bedroom. Their kingsize bed would be
perfect for the fuckfest that was about to happen. They would use Nessa and all her little
holes till they were satisfied. They strapped her wrists to the headboard and to her ankles to
the footboard. From the waist down, Nessa was restrained spread eagle, showing her tiny
little pussy and asshole to the world.

Now that she was completely defenceless, her brothers felt free to be as abusive as they
wanted to be. They pushed and prodded her nipples until they hurt, pulling on her hair
painfully and ripping the leather restraints apart. It was just too tempting to be patient any
longer, so they moved on her sweet pussy, gently fingering her till she writhed in ecstasy.
Nessa moaned loudly as they slowly fucked her.

They spread her tiny little butt cheeks apart, using a finger to probe her virgin asshole. Nessa
wiggled and squirmed in anticipation, almost as though she was begging for more. Without
warning, they slammed their huge cocks into her tight ass and pussy simultaneously. Nessa
screamed in agony and screamed in pleasure as her brothers pounded her in unison. She
actually enjoyed the intense pain as her tight holes stretched to accommodate her brothers'
monstrous dicks.

As they drove their dicks in and out of her aching holes, she struggled to breathe and barely
managed to cry out loud, "Oh god, yes... more, please, fill me up with your thick, delicious
sperm! Take me, fuck me harder, make me your bitch!" Her pussy was dripping wet, her clit
throbbed, and her asshole burned. She wanted to feel the semen of her three big brothers
flowing deep inside her hungry, puckered hole. She wanted them to dominate her sexually
and personally and she wanted to give in to them.

Finally, unable to endure the extreme pain any longer, she came and then she exploded again,
crying out, "Master, I need you to cum in me! Please, give me your seed!" Her brothers
erupted at once, spewing their hot seed into her gaping, abused holes. She sobbed in joy as
they filled her up, overflowing with their hot juices. Then the fucking continued. Alternating
between them they sent her into multiple orgasms, pounding into her without mercy. She
never imagined that they could have such stamina and staying power.

Finally, after twenty minutes of relentless fucking, the three horny brothers collapsed onto the
bed beside Nessa. They stayed motionless, unwilling to break the spell that they were sharing
with their new toy. She lay limply across them, impaled by their fat dicks, sweat dripping
from her face and body, finally drifting into a contented sleep.

After a while, Nessa woke up feeling weak and drained. The events of the last few hours left
her sore and weak. Still, she had a hard time understanding what had happened. How could it
be possible?
She heard someone whispering close to her ear. She lifted her head and saw Mike smiling
down at her. "Well sleepy head, did you enjoy your brothers' gift?"
"Yes," she replied softly.
"Did you learn a lesson today? Did you understand what you needed to do to become our
"Yes, Master," she whispered, sensing the conversation was over. She watched as Mike stood
up and unzipped his pants. Slowly, he pulled his cock out and held it over her mouth. He
leaned forward and allowed her to smell and taste his manhood.

He slapped his dick on her bruised cunt, eliciting a gasp from her lips. Then he slapped it on
her abused asshole, and again on her mouth. With an evil smile, he added, "I hope you
learned to accept your new life. Now get on your knees and suck me."
She didn't hesitate. Getting up from the bed, she crawled toward Mike's muscular body. His
dick was rock hard. Grabbing hold of it, she brought it to her lips and licked the pre-cum
oozing from the tip. Instinctively, she licked her tongue around the base of his shaft and
followed the curve towards the tip. She slowly worked her mouth down the length of his
shaft, savouring the salty taste of his prick. When she reached the bottom, she gagged slightly
as she felt his swollen balls press against her nose.

Nessa kept moving her mouth down the length of his massive pole, taking all eight inches
into her mouth. As she got used to the sensation, she found it increasingly arousing. She
could sense that she was driving Mike wild with lust. She worked her mouth back and forth,
her tongue caressing the underside of his shaft as it passed between her lips. She wanted to
give her brothers exactly what they wanted and hoped that they would reward her
handsomely. She hoped to show them that she could be more than just a piece of property;
that she could satisfy them both physically and emotionally. At least, that was what she told

When Mike was satisfied that his dick was thoroughly lubricated, he instructed her to get on
her hands and knees. Grasping his raging cock in her hand, she guided it into her tight virgin
ass. She gasped at the sudden intrusion. Mike simply pushed her shoulders down and shoved
his entire 8-inch monster inside her ass. She let out a high-pitched shriek as he broke through
her tight anal ring. Nessa's face turned bright red as the initial pain subsided. She kept
working her ass up and down on her brother's dick, pushing back against his thrusts as much
as she could.

The jostling and the moaning woke John and Paul. They grew instantly hard at the sight of
their little sister being fucked in the ass by their oldest brother. John approached the bed and
whispered to Paul, "Man, I gotta get a piece of that ass. Why don't you get some action?"
Paul responded excitedly, "Fuck yeah, count me in."

With that, John quickly untied Nessa's arms and placed her hands on the footboard. Paul
straddled her legs and slid his cock into her pussy. She could hear her two brothers grunting
in excitement. Nessa was surprised at how well Paul fit inside her pussy, despite the fact that
he was quite a bit bigger than her other brothers. She moaned loudly as Paul began to move
faster and faster, fucking her aggressively.

John then placed his cock between her lips and forced it down her throat. She couldn't believe
how easily she accommodated him. She tried desperately to swallow as much of his cock as
possible but soon realized that it wasn't going to work. John grabbed hold of the chain
connecting her leash to the headboard and pulled her down as far as he could. Her breath
hitched as his cock went down her throat. Nessa gagged, causing her brother to pull out
abruptly. Nessa coughed violently and with one final effort managed to bring her brother's
full seven inches down her throat. But it wasn't enough for John.

Still grasping her hair tightly, he forced his dick deeper and deeper into her throat. His rough
treatment made her gag and choke. Finally, he reached the back of her throat, leaving her
unable to breathe. She couldn't take anymore. Her body began to shake and convulse as she
lost consciousness.

That didn't deter her brothers. Paul continued to fuck her tight cunt while Mike was hilted
deep inside her ass. Only John was more careful not to choke her too much. Finally, John
released his grip and Nessa started to breathe normally again. Paul suddenly came and shot
his load inside Nessa's leaking pussy. After he finished cumming, Paul withdrew from her
vagina and moved over to lie next to her, his cock slowly shrinking to its normal size. John
followed suit shortly thereafter cumming all over her face and Mike rammed himself into her
ass, depositing his load directly into her bowels.

At first, Nessa was unable to move. It took a minute or two for her to regain her senses.
When she did, she sat up and turned to look at her brothers. Her eyes widened when she
realized that she was covered with their cum. The cum dripped from her chin and ran down
her naked torso.

Then she noticed the pain radiating from her anus and pussy. Her asshole felt like it was on
fire. Paul looked down at her and said, "There you go. Now you're a cum slut just for us."
Then, realizing that she had no choice, she quietly answered, "Yes, Sir."

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Sara was at her wit's end. She had tried everything but her father was still oblivious to her
desires. Skimpy bikinis, short skirts or skintight yoga pants, nothing seemed to work. His
eyes never lustfully strayed to her body. At first, she felt as if she were invisible, then later it
dawned on her that he didn't even notice her existence unless she spoke to him directly or
was standing in front of him doing chores.

Every day, Sara struggled to suppress her thoughts about her father and every night, they
returned to haunt her. Now that her breasts had started to develop and her hair had grown
longer, she found herself wanting her father's attention. Sometimes, she even caught herself
looking down at her crotch as she imagined the pleasure her father would give her there. And
if that wasn't enough to fuel her fantasies, she also looked forward to their occasional weekly
meetings where she'd get to spend some time alone with him.

The house where her father lived had a lot of storage spaces for things, so it was easy for Sara
to snoop around while her father was away and find the key to his briefcase. After discreetly
reading through some old case files, Sara realized that her father hadn't won a single case for
quite a long time now. And not surprisingly, those files contained a number of divorce cases.
That information served only to confirm what she already knew: her father was a very
unhappy man.

And because he was a busy attorney, he often spent long hours at work. He rarely came home
before 10 pm and when he did, he spent most of his free time playing computer games on the
internet or watching television. When he wasn't at work, Sara could usually catch him
playing poker online with other men. Sara could understand why he liked it so much since it
gave him the chance to interact with people without having to deal with any emotions
whatsoever. But the downside was that he seldom talked to her anymore. On rare occasions,
he'd try to be playful with her, but the twinkle in his eyes betrayed his inner unhappiness and
soon, he became preoccupied with something else. There was a time when her father had
been happy and successful, but he seemed to have lost all hope.

As soon as she got home from school one afternoon, Sara went straight into the bedroom to
change clothes. While she was changing, she decided to take a quick shower and see how her
father was doing. The smell of her freshly shampooed hair wafted through the bathroom as
she passed by the mirror. Sara quickly grabbed a towel from the rack and ran out into the hall.
Her feet pounded across the floor, anxious to reach the study room where her father always
spent most of his time. She pushed open the door and stepped inside. To her surprise, her
father was seated behind his desk working on some papers. He looked up and smiled briefly.
It was the first smile she had seen on her father's face for months. She took a deep breath and
walked over to stand beside him.

He turned his head towards her and whispered, "Hi honey." Sara wanted to say something,
but couldn't think of anything appropriate to say. All she managed to mutter was, "How are
you?" He stared at her with an unreadable expression. Sara cleared her throat. "Dad…um…"
she hesitated again, searching for words that wouldn't embarrass either of them. She took a
deep breath. "I just want you to know that I love you," she said.

Her father looked away, unable to meet her gaze. A few moments later, he nodded slightly
and turned back to the papers in front of him. Sara stood awkwardly, unsure of what to do
next. Finally, she asked, "Is there anything I can do for you? Would you like me to make you
a cup of tea?" Her father sighed deeply and replied, "That would be great, thank you."
Sara poured two cups of tea and handed one to her father. She sat down across from him and
waited patiently for him to speak. He took a sip of his tea and swallowed the hot liquid. After
staring blankly at the wall in silence for a moment, he finally said, "Sara, I'm sorry. I don't
mean to ignore you, it's just that…" he trailed off, his voice trailing off. Sara was growing
impatient. This was becoming embarrassing. Her father had always told her to wait until he
was ready to talk about whatever it was she needed to discuss. So she did just that, waiting
silently for him to continue. He fidgeted with the pages in front of him and then reached for
his glass of water. He gulped down half of it and swallowed hard before speaking.

"I just don't know how to tell you this. It's really difficult for me to talk about…" He sighed
again. Sara felt her heart beating fast. He stared into space for a few seconds, as if he were
searching for the right words. Sara wondered if she should interrupt him, but she remained
silent, listening carefully.

"What I am trying to say is…" He paused and began to run his fingers through his hair
nervously. "It's just that…" He closed his eyes tightly, willing himself to say the words he had
rehearsed over and over in his mind for the past month. But no matter how hard he tried, he
could never summon the courage to say them aloud.

Finally, after several agonizing minutes, he opened his eyes again and said, "Look, I know we
haven't been getting along well lately, and I'm sorry for that. But…but it's because…" He
closed his eyes again. After a minute or so, he continued. "I've been feeling lonely lately, and
it's not your fault. You've been a wonderful daughter. Your mom would be proud of you."
He paused again, this time with a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "I'm really going
through a rough patch right now, and I need some help. I think…" he trailed off again. "Can
we talk about something else?" He sounded desperate. "There must be something we can talk
about that doesn't involve my personal problems."

Sara was confused. What was wrong with talking about her father's problems? Didn't she
deserve to know what was bothering him? Why was he avoiding the subject so much? Did he
really think that Sara didn't care about his feelings? Was he afraid that she might abandon
him? Her anger flared and her eyes flashed with rage. "So I should pretend that I don't care
that you're miserable?!" She snapped.

"Do you want me to go live with my aunt so that I won't bother you anymore?" Tears filled
Sara's eyes as she watched her father's shoulders sag under the weight of his own sorrow. She
realized that he was crying and quickly jumped to her feet, reaching for a tissue from the box
on the table. She held it gently against his cheek. He tried to hold back his tears, but he could
feel the warmth of his daughter's hand through the soft cotton of the tissue and it broke his
resolve. He sobbed quietly as Sara held onto him. She could feel the tension leaving his body
and heard the sound of his muffled sobs echoing throughout the room. It was a while before
he was able to stop crying.

When he finished, Sara released her grip on his arm and wiped the tears from his cheeks.
Then she leaned closer and hugged him. Their faces were inches apart and their noses
touched lightly. She could feel his warm breath caressing her face and her heartbeat
accelerated. Suddenly, Sara felt her mouth start to tingle. She swallowed nervously and took a
step backwards, trying to regain control of her senses. Her eyes wandered around the room.
Everything seemed strange and unfamiliar. It was as if she had entered a new world that
existed solely for her. She could see nothing else except her father. She desperately wanted to
kiss him, to taste his lips and touch his soft skin. She began to tremble with excitement and
fear. What would happen if she made a move? Would her father reject her again? How could
she make sure that he wouldn't turn her away this time? If she kissed him now, there was a
good chance that he would respond, and that thought excited her even more.

A bead of sweat rolled down Sara's neck as she slowly moved towards her father. Then she
gently rested her hands on his shoulders. She took a deep breath and tilted her head forward
slightly, gently brushing her lips against his. Just as she was about to move her lips further
down his chin, he turned his head and placed his hand on top of hers. Sara froze in shock,
unsure of what to do next.

Her father was looking at her expectantly. Sara shook her head slightly, hoping that her
actions weren't too bold. Her father lowered his head, smiling softly. Then, tentatively, he
brought his lips to hers. It was such a small gesture that it took Sara by surprise. She
instinctively tried to pull away, but her father held her firmly in place. His lips moved against
hers as he gently explored the contours of her mouth with his tongue. Sara gasped loudly and
closed her eyes. It felt so good. It felt like pure heaven. For the first time in weeks, Sara felt a
sense of relief. It had been such a long time since she had felt loved. She felt her father's arms
wrap around her waist and suddenly, she found herself wanting more.

Their mouths met again, and this time, they stayed connected for longer. They both moaned
softly as their tongues entwined together. Sara felt her knees grow weak as her father pulled
her closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her breasts against his
chest. Her body trembled uncontrollably and she felt a rush of heat coursing through her
body. For a moment, everything faded away. There was only her father, his lips, his hands,
his cock. And she was helpless to resist him. She couldn't bring herself to stop him as he
gently slid his hands underneath her blouse and started to massage her breasts. She was
moaning louder now, letting him know that she wanted him.

Slowly, he lowered her arms and continued to explore her body with his hands. Sara leaned
back against the chair, opening her legs slightly. With one swift movement, he slipped off his
pants and threw them aside. Sara nearly fell over as she stared at his massive erection. It was
throbbing with anticipation. Sara's mouth went dry as she traced her finger over its length.
Suddenly, her father stopped kissing her and looked up into her eyes. His voice was soft and
gentle as he whispered, "I'm going to fuck you now." Sara was stunned. She wasn't prepared
for this. There was still so much she wanted to say, but the words failed to form in her mind.
She barely had time to react when her father reached for her blouse and undid the buttons.
His fingers brushed her bare flesh as he reached for the clasp of her bra. Sara's pulse raced
faster as her body started to shake with anticipation. She fought the urge to scream as he
removed the offending garment. The moment his lips came in contact with her nipple, Sara
moaned with pleasure. As he suckled her breast, she couldn't keep her hands from wandering
over his muscled torso. Finally, Sara freed her father's erect cock from the confines of his

It felt so big and hard against her fingertips. The moment she wrapped her hand around his
shaft, her father moaned softly. Sara knew exactly what he wanted, and immediately
positioned her mouth over his dick. She licked her lips and let out a loud moan as she felt the
tip of his cock press against her tonsils.

She used her tongue to tease the underside of his shaft. She flicked it over his sensitive head
and sucked the large vein running down the side of his penis. Sara sucked harder and faster,
revelling in the way his cock grew bigger and harder in her mouth. Every time she gave his
balls a gentle squeeze, his cock swelled inside her mouth.

With one final lick, she felt her father shudder and he groaned loudly as he came in her
mouth. Sara eagerly swallowed all of his cum. Her pussy twitched in delight at the taste of
her father's semen. When he finished, Sara relaxed her throat muscles and opened her mouth
wide, letting his cock slip out of her mouth. Then she ran her tongue over her lips and smiled
at her father.

"Thank you," she said simply. She was amazed at the way she was acting. Not once during
this entire ordeal had she doubted herself. But it didn't matter. All that mattered was the
pleasure she was receiving.

A soft moan escaped Sara's lips as she felt her father gently kiss her shoulder. She raised her
hand to his face and gently stroked his beard stubble. "I love you, Daddy," she said softly.
Her father smiled. "I love you, too, sweetheart," he replied. He reached out and took her hand
in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. Then he leaned over and kissed her forehead.

He gripped his cock and slapped it on her hot, little pussy. Sara screamed and jerked her hips
upwards. She looked at her father and nodded silently. Then he pushed his cock deep inside
her wet cunt. He pushed deeper and harder, sending waves of pleasure through Sara's body.
She clenched her muscles around him and forced him deeper into her womb. A low moan
escaped her lips as her father's cock rubbed against her G-spot. She tried to slow down, but it
was difficult. Her body was betraying her, begging for more. Her muscles were pulsating
wildly, making it impossible for her to focus.

Her father felt Sara's muscles tightening around him. He started fucking her hard and fast. He
leaned down and kissed her deeply, pushing his tongue into her mouth. Sara bit down on his
lip, causing him to pause momentarily. Then he withdrew his tongue and plunged it back into
her mouth, taking control. His movements became wilder and Sara soon lost track of the
positions they were in. Her entire body quivered violently as wave after wave of intense
orgasm washed over her. Her legs began to tremble uncontrollably and her fingernails dug
into her father's shoulders.

Then, just as she thought she couldn't take any more, she finally climaxed. She cried out with
joy as her orgasm overtook her. Her whole body tensed up and she shuddered as a flood of
intense pleasure coursed through her body. After what seemed like an eternity, her orgasm
subsided. She looked up at her father and gasped in surprise. "What did you do to me?!" she
exclaimed in amazement. "You've given me more orgasms than I have ever had in my life!"
"And I haven't even done anything yet," her father laughed. "Now it's your turn."
"What?" Sara asked. "But I can't... I don't..."

Her father laughed heartily. "Don't worry. I'll show you how." Then he thrust his cock inside
her wet pussy once more. Sara squealed as she felt her father's thick member pounding
against her insides. She grabbed his ass and pulled him closer, urging him to fuck her harder.
Then, almost instantly, she felt another orgasm approaching. This time, it hit her without
warning. Her muscles clamped down on her father's cock and he yelled out with ecstasy as he
shot his load deep inside her.

For several moments, Sara lay in a blissful state of unconsciousness. Then she awoke with a
gasp, wondering where she was. It took her a few seconds to realize that she was lying on her
father's bed. Her father was lying next to her, snoring softly. Sara realized that she was naked.
She quickly glanced down and saw that she was covered in her own juices.

Then she remembered the events of last night. She sat up and looked down at her father, his
cock proudly on display. It still glistened with their combined juices. She gingerly touched it
and marvelled at the feeling of soft, smooth skin. Then she gently licked the tip and tasted the
lingering traces of her own pussy juice. She licked it again and again, savouring every drop.
After licking her father's cock for several minutes, she glanced at the clock. It was just past 1
am. Slowly, she slid her hand down between her thighs. As expected, her pussy was soaked
and slippery. She grinned as she pushed two fingers inside her moist pussy. She wiggled them
in and out until her dad stirred and opened his eyes. She giggled as she looked at him and
watched his expression change from sleepy confusion to a look of arousal. She pushed three
fingers inside her pussy and started moving them in and out.

Sara kept doing it until she felt her father's hands reach under her ass and begin to rub her
pussy. He rubbed her pussy vigorously while he watched her masturbate. Soon, Sara was
moaning softly as her fingers flew over her clit. Suddenly, she felt her father grip her hips
tightly and start to push himself inside her. Sara opened her eyes and gazed at him. His dark
blue eyes were staring intently at her. "Are you enjoying yourself?" he asked.
She moaned as she felt his cock slide deeper and deeper inside her tight pussy. "Yes," she
managed to say. "Oh god yes."

He increased the pace of his fucking. In response, Sara wrapped her legs around his waist and
held him close. Her pussy squeezed his cock and made him go even deeper inside her. Sara
cried out as her orgasm ripped through her body. Sara buried her face in his chest as they
shared the most intense sexual experience of their lives. His cock scraped her tiny pussy
walls and she could feel him brush her g-spot with every thrust. It was driving her insane.
She was panting heavily and breathing heavily. She desperately wanted him to continue
fucking her, but she also needed him to cum.

She arched her back and felt his cock slip inside her cervix. She was desperate for release, but
he refused to allow her to come. His cock felt huge inside her pussy.
Her father continued fucking her, and the pressure in her pussy gradually built up. Then, with
a powerful grunt, he emptied his load deep inside her womb. His cock throbbed against her
cervix and sent wave after wave of pleasure coursing through her body. Her muscles
tightened once more and she screamed out as she came. Sara couldn't hold back anymore and
she convulsed violently as she came again.

When it finally subsided, Sara fell limp onto her father's chest. They stayed there for several
minutes, savouring the sensation of being fucked by each other. Eventually, they got up and
slowly walked towards the bathroom. As they both stepped into the large shower, her father
lifted her up and sank his cock into her bruised pussy once more. Sara sighed with pleasure as
she felt him fill her once more. Her father wasn't quite ready to finish yet, so he held her
tightly and began fucking her again.

Soon, Sara was moaning loudly as she started coming again. "Fuck me!" she begged. "Give
me your cum! Give it to me!"
"Okay, sweetheart," he whispered. He bent down and sucked her nipples. As he sucked on
her tits, he began slamming his cock in and out of her body. She felt her dad pump his seed
inside her over and over. Then he collapsed onto her, exhausted.
After several minutes, Sara sat up and turned off the shower. Then she dried herself off and
slipped into bed beside her father.

They both lay there quietly for a while, just enjoying the company of each other. Finally, Sara
spoke. "So, what happens now?" she asked hesitantly.
"We'll see," her father replied. He cuddled up against her. "Why don't we just enjoy ourselves
for now?"

"Good idea," Sara replied. She curled up against her father and fell asleep in his arms.

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