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ColonelYobo profile
NSFW 3D Art + Aslithe IP
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Subscription Tiers

per month
Tier 1 Support
  • Access to all WIP content
  • Access to supporter-only channels in our discord server
  • Watermark free animations + still renders
  • My eternal gratitude <3
Tier 1 Subscriber ; Trusted
per month
Tier 2 Support
  • Access to all WIP content
  • Access to supporter-only channels in our discord server
  • Watermark free animations + still renders
  • Access to 1440p animation releases
  • Early access to in-development Special Delivery builds
  • My eternal gratitude <3
Tier 2 Subscriber ; Trusted
per month
Tier 3 Support
  • Access to all WIP content
  • Access to supporter-only channels in our discord server
  • Watermark free animations + still renders
  • Access to 1440p animation releases
  • Early access to in-development Special Delivery builds
  • My eternal gratitude <3
Tier 3 Subscriber ; Trusted


  • Work-in-progress posts, high-res releases, early access to content, and exclusive Discord channel access!
Displaying posts with tag Crelli.Reset Filter

How To Talk To Short People

Posted for $3, $5, $10.50 tiers
Unlock Tier

Some Spooki Crelli Renders

Posted for $3, $5, $10.50 tiers
Unlock Tier

Some more SD WIPs!

Posted for $3, $5, $10.50 tiers
Unlock Tier

Something for Halloween

Posted for $3, $5, $10.50 tiers
Unlock Tier

It's Crelli's Birthday!

Posted for $3, $5, $10.50 tiers
Unlock Tier

Some Character Turntables!

Posted for $3, $5, $10.50 tiers
Unlock Tier

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

Creator Stats

106 posts


$102 of $525
per month
This is my basic living costs covered, I currently live with 4 other people so my share of the monthly bills/rent is thankfully quite low by todays standards! Every month I make less than this I have to either take on extra work or reach into my savings account to keep a roof over my head. This goal essentially gives me solid financial stability, and anything in excess would be stuff I can put back into my work!
$102 of $585
per month
With this much coming in every month I'd be able to afford a modest amount of work-related assets and commodities! A lot of my work is limited by what I have to work with, I have keen eyes on many things right now that are out of my price range, namely collections of HDRs, Blender add-ons, model collections to save on scene-building development time, obscure/miscellaneous textures, licensing music and hiring voice actors/actresses for both my animations and Special Delivery, and even some software packages like Fibershop that would help with things like hair and character creation! The extra £50 a month isn't much but it would allow me to get my hands on some of these extras, and would lead to noticeable improvements and new dimensions in my work!
$102 of $650
per month
This goal is essentially the same as the previous, but with the added extra I'd be able to liberally shop for higher quality assets and content! Special Delivery is primarily held up by the 3D side, creating scenes and characters from scratch is both time and money-consuming for one person. The more money I have to put into SD, the quicker the work can get done!
$102 of $1,300
per month
This is just a stretch goal. I have no real use for this much money beyond perhaps hardware upgrades; I'm currently using a PC I built in 2014, so maybe an upgrade is a sensible future prospect. Regardless, I never expect to actually hit this figure, if I did I would finally be making enough money to be a real tax-payer, yay!

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