THE SIN WITHIN is the story of a boy exploring his mundane world under a new light...
Join Nick Harada, the kind student from the suburbs, in his journey to uncover the true pleasures of Lust, being led by an unlikely fate with the supernatural!
Free the desires of ALL the women he knows, and the world will become a better place! (maybe?)
In this Sandbox Visual Novel, you will be able to evolve your relationships with everyone, progressing the plot through character interactions and story events! (instead of wasting time with shitty grindy mechanics that pad out the lack of content!!!)
Furthering your romance with the girls will advance the plot, as you uncover the secrets of the supernatural, your place in all of this!
THE SIN WITHIN is the story of a boy exploring his mundane world under a new light...
Join Nick Harada, the kind student from the suburbs, in his journey to uncover the true pleasures of Lust, being led by an unlikely fate with the supernatural!
Free the desires of ALL the women he knows, and the world will become a better place! (maybe?)
In this Sandbox Visual Novel, you will be able to evolve your relationships with everyone, progressing the plot through character interactions and story events! (instead of wasting time with shitty grindy mechanics that pad out the lack of content!!!)
Furthering your romance with the girls will advance the plot, as you uncover the secrets of the supernatural, your place in all of this!
F95 THREAD ITCH.IO PAGE (I'll add other hosts if necessary. Hit me up if something happens to these links!)
The Family Circle: Part II
+ 4.425 new renders (with +158 animations!!) + 9.000 lines of dialogue! + 44 new scenes! (5 EXTRA SCENES, 12 SURPRISE SCENES...!) + 5 new characters! (4 being subscriber requests!) (Lotte, Akari, Gwen, Cordelia Rivas, Sera!) + 1 new location (The Sunset Resort!) + 1 major event:Bring your family to the Resort!
+ Compressed video file-sizes by a lot!(this release is lighter than 0.4!) +Added a search bar to the Contacts App! + Added minor characters to a new section of the Contacts App! + Added a system to locate each character in-game from the Contacts App! + You can now see who's in a location from the Map! + You can now preview who's in a room when there are multiple characters around. + You can now see when an event is taking place somewhere from the Map. + Prepared some systems to be implemented in the next update - 0.5.0!
~ 15.000 renders ~ 34.000 lines of dialogue
HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!! Feel free to report any bugs and typos!
You know the deal. E-mail and notifications and all. Heh. The trip was great; We ate so much BBQ I'm almost passing out. One of our cars broke down as soon as we were leaving, which is why I took so long to update the post.
Since I will be having a little trip with my friends in the 31st, here is the last post to properly cap off 2024!
Our journey to 2025 will be that of the 0.5 series of updates, where we will finally go back to School and finally get to all the characters over there! I can't wait to get to it.
I will be back on January 2nd, right on time to release 0.4.5 to Sloth Subscribers. This is also when I will officially begin development on 0.5.0, which will focus mostly on implementing the school location and all minor interactions there. But no hurries! I will be making another public post detailing the 0.5 roadmap a bit after 0.4.5 hits the streets for good. I hope you, Gluttons, have enjoyed the new update so far? Hmmm?
As was done back in the 2023 XXX-Mas, starting NOW - All subscribers can request a small, simple image set featuring any character you want, doing whatever you want. Capisce!?
I will be closing this Naughty List's requests by January 10th, so be quick! One request per subscriber, and please keep it simple ~ After the 10th, I will work on them as time goes on, and eventually release them all for subscriber's eyes only. Looking forward to what you guys want this time!
Thank you for the amazing 2024, and sorry for taking so long to update the game this time around!
I will be waiting you for more, next year! See you!!
I gotta do this public post, since it doesn't notify everyone if a release is limited to other tiers! Heheh.
Here is the release schedule:
2024/12/26: Out for $20+ (RIGHT NOW!!) 2025/01/02: Out for $5+ 2025/01/09: Out for Everyone!
The Family Circle: Part II
+ 4.425 new renders (with +158 animations!!) + 9.000 lines of dialogue! + 44 new scenes! (5 EXTRA SCENES, 12 SURPRISE SCENES...!) + 5 new characters! (4 being subscriber requests!) (Lotte, Akari, Gwen, Cordelia Rivas, Sera!) + 1 new location (The Sunset Resort!) + 1 major event:Bring your family to the Resort!
+ Compressed video file-sizes by a lot!(this release is lighter than 0.4!) +Added a search bar to the Contacts App! + Added an Action Button system for some rooms! + Added minor characters to a new section of the Contacts App! + Added a system to locate each character in-game from the Contacts App! + You can now see who's in a location from the Map! + You can now preview who's in a room when there are multiple characters around. + You can now see when an event is taking place somewhere from the Map. + Prepared some systems to be implemented in the next update - 0.5.0!
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