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Backlash91 profile
This account is for those who wish to help support my art and comics. All who support me will be able to read my comics and see art that I will be posting.
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Subscription Tiers

per month
Background supporter!

I am here just to support the artist!

Access to:



-Line arts.

per month
Background (cub) tier

Same tier as the other $1 tier, only this one also has cub art in:



-Line arts.

per month
Mid ground (cub) tier

same tier as the other $5 tier only this one will also have cub art in:



-Line art


-Access to streams

-Access to vote on polls

-comic pages up to flatcolor.

will also include cub comics.

per month
Mid-Ground Supporter

I appreciate your support!

-Access to vote on polls

-WIP pieces


-Line art


-comic pages up to flatcolor.

-Access to streams!

per month
Foreground Supporter

-Access to all art, WIP's, sketches, line arts, flat colors, and final renders.

-Access to vote in polls.

-Access to comics at all stages (sketch, lines, fully colored)

-Cameo your OC in one of my comics!

-Access to streams!

per month
Fore-ground (cub) tier

Same as the other $10 tier, only it has cub content in: -WIP


-Line arts


-Full arts

-Cameo your OC in one of my comics!

-Comic pages (all forms)

-Access to streams!

-Access to vote on polls



  • Supporters will be able to get the high definition files of each art piece and comic page..
  • will be able to read pages of comics early!
  • high supporters will get cameos in my comics of their OC's.

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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