It's Management Time
Hey everyone it’s TT again! Back with some new stuff to show!
Full transparency we all have day jobs so really it’s only had like 2-3 days of work!
Everything we’re showing off is super early and nothing is set in stone yet!
We’re still fleshing out ideas, , so some things may change a bunch before release, so keep that in mind!
Time Management
First I’ll chat about one of the big changes, time management. Previously you would select a kin and choose to chat with them to pick activities. Now there’s more of a focus on doing different kinds of research, as well as maintaining the facility and then the general well being of the kin.
Every day there are 3 time segments, morning/afternoon/evening, and you can assign the kin to do work, or chores during those times. If you don’t assign a kin to do anything than you give them free-time.
I’ll go into more detail on the various types of work, and chores at some point, but for now the idea is that:
- “Work” is what gets you research points, and funding.
- “Chores” is needed to upkeep the facilities.
- “Free-Time” is needed to maintain kin energy and happiness.
You’ll need to balance these in order to maximize the speed at which you gain Research Points!
Once you’ve assigned the kin to do jobs, you can start the day
The Lab
Another change is how you interact with kin! The lab has been buffed into a fully fledged research campus! Once the day starts you’ll be able to walk around the lab, and see all the kin at their daily assignments.
You can talk to them, and you can get a gauge on how they are doing and if they like/hate the assignment.
You can also get the opportunity to interrupt them for that time slot and hang out with them instead. Spending time with them is how you advance the individual character stories, gain affection, reputation, and most importantly get spicy with the kin!
Next time!
That’s it for now, we think these changes will be fun additions, they give a lot of new opportunities for character scenes and events, and have there more to do with the kin.
There’s a lot more to all the changes, next week I’ll talk more about Research Points, and more detailed changes to progression with funding and such.
Let us know what you think and I’ll see you all soon!