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Assassinsdick profile
I’m Assassinsdick and I create Adult Games! I'm currently working on my first project called "It's All Relative".


  • By joining you will get access to pre-views.
  • Weekly updates on the progress of next update.
  • Early access to the game


$143 of $1,000
per month
We are starting to talk seriously. It's time to think about buying a new PC.
$143 of $500
per month
Things are going well, so I will be able to dedicate more time to the development of the game.
First level to know if the game is being well accepted by the public
$143 of $1,500
per month
Mid-term goal before buying a new computer.
$143 of $2,000
per month
New equipment already purchased, more time and resources for the project!
$143 of $5,000
per month
What more could I ask for? This is the ultimate reward anyone could ask for!
$143 of $10,000
per month
Am I the happiest person in the world?

Other Creators


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  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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