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VNCraft profile
We're a game-developing team of two, DeVNCraft (coding) and LoVNCraft (story and visuals) with no prior experience in creating visual novels, but with love and passion for gaming all our lives. as well as other experience in our particular area's of this project for almost as long. Our games will be story-rich adult games with horror, mystery, thriller and SF elements, and of course the reason you are all on this page, adult content as well. The story will take precedence, but we promise plenty of content to those of you that are here for it, the plan is just to find the right balance at the right time so it's not purely a long adult video...the internet has plenty of that already, and either of us will be more than happy to point you in the direction of some good ones--if only to get you degenerates off of our page (I'm kidding, I'm kidding...or am I?) Ahem, with that aside...welcome to the twisted realm of VNCraft, we do hope you'll stick around and enjoy the tales we would like to share with you...

Subscription Tiers


We'd like to spank you for borrowing our game. You'll have access to a free download of the previous release when the new one becomes available (i.e. when we release Episode 2, you'll have access to Episode 1). You should be grateful we wouldn't sully our God's palate with someone of your stature or you would have become a sacrifice.

• You can download the game one Episode prior to the current one.

2 subscribers
USD monthly

You are aware of the cult, but not a part of it, knowing only what they allow you to know. You'll have access to download every Episode 6 days after its release, as well as posts involving current development and release notes.

• Access to each Episode 6 days after release. • Current development posts.

0 subscribers
USD monthly

You are aware of the cult's current movements, but seem always to be one step behind. You'll have access to download Chapters 9 days after their release. You'll have access to all development news as well and be invited to join some basic polls.

• Access to each Chapter 9 days after release. • All development posts, including progression and plans in the works. • Basic polls.

0 subscribers
USD monthly

You are a part of the cult, and the students fear you. You answer only to the Deities. You'll have access to download Chapters as soon as they are released, and all news, development information, polls, and in-game bonus content, only visible to those who worship our God. Devoted cultists will be added to the game's thank-you list in every release.

• Access to each Chapter on release. • All news, plans, and development posts. • All polls involving the current project. • Acknowledgement in the game's thank you list. • Bonus Content Code

0 subscribers
USD monthly

You are a god amongst men, ruling over all cultists. You answer to nobody except your God. You'll have access to download Chapters as soon as they are released as well as all posts, news, discussions, and content. All Deities will be included in the Credits when the game is finished and be able to participate in special polls about our future projects and/or any side content or special renders being worked on. All concurrent members of this tier will also receive the game on Steam once it is released.

• Access to each Chapter on release. • All news, plans, and development posts. • All polls involving the current project. • Acknowledgement in the game thank you list and the end credits. • Bonus Content Code and Special Subscriber Bonus Renders/Content • Free Steam key after release.

0 subscribers
USD monthly

Even our God trembles before you as the end of all devotion. You see all and know all, nothing is hidden from you as you determine when all things shall end. You have full access to all content and information of every kind as if you could see it before it even happened. This is only for those who wish to control the very flow of all creation, looking down with a twisted smile at the futile attempts of mankind to escape you. One month of such power will leave a mark on eternity and your name will be in the thank you list in every update, as well as a hall of fame in this game and all future games, in order by length of time subscribed. This tier has access to any and all perks at all times, and members of this tier will also receive the game for free on any and all platforms that allow it once it is released on them, if and when those platforms allow us to do so.

• Access to each Chapter on release. • All news, plans, and development posts. • All polls involving the current project and future projects. • Acknowledgement in this game and future games Hall Of Fame section which will be shown in various locations to express our eternal gratitude. • Bonus Content Code and Special Subscriber Bonus Renders/Content. • Free Steam key after release, as well as other platforms that allow such promotional keys.

0 subscribers


  • Regular game updates for subscribers, all the info about game,
  • Polls, discussions, questions and answers...

Public post

Believe it.
As promised. I couldn't very well bore you to death being cultural and improving the game for other people who--let's face it, you couldn't care less about.

You didn't join to hear me babble about languages you don't speak or text to speech you don't need because you have perfect inconsiderate fucks...ahem.

I mean fellow asshol....


...this just isn't working out for me today, enjoy the fucking preview.

I'm sad to say that our next release will be the last free per-chapter release for non-subscriberss and free updates will be entire episodes one prior to the current subscriber version after that, which means everything will be be set to the Tier restrictions we originally decided as well.

So if you want early access to the game and access to future dev logs such as this one and many more I have planned (as well as my charming personality), your going to have to break open your piggy banks you've been fawning over since you were six and we can stop working bullshit jobs we hate and get the right hardware to devote ourselves entirely to development full time.

The higher Tiers will be given access to beta versions of this mini game and others I'm already planning once they reach the point they're playable, long before they are revealed in the story, and if we end up with enough subscribers to get Lov another rendering PC, the pace will really pick up and I might even make a few entirely separate small games or a side story starring Dev and Lov in my free time, in renpy or other languages I'm more skilled get used to Steam Development and speed up getting the game on there as well.

We are here to stay.

Are You With US?!??

In truth we'll do it without any support, we're here to take the AVN scene by storm with things nobody has even considered yet, and as we improve, so will the quality, extras, and perks.

When we have enough supporters we'll open up the social aspect for people who want to hang out and actually want to see real VNs with a story again...the way they were meant to be...with an actual novel and gameplay attached to the smut, buildup, romance, betrayal, choice...before they fuck like lust hungry animals from pent up desires.

See, that was build up...not my best (i'm not the writer after all lmao), but it makes the point.

I won't pretend to know you, I can only guess what might have a drawn you to our sites...but we know what we're going to do, all we can do is hope people want to come along for the ride...because nothing will stop us.

Come and join our Cult...or remain in the Shadows, that choice is your and yours alone, but this choice is ours and we've already made it.

We thank each and every one of the people who have shown their support, silent, outgoing, free, paid, or otherwise...but this dream is ours, and if our ideals are not to your liking--the sign out buttons over some

Seriously, I just wanted to write this long over the top post to see who made it to the bottom. Stick around for the smut, stick around for the story, don't stick around at all...meh, whatever.

Its a video game, its all about having having fun, which is pretty much what i'm doing right now.

Hope to see you on the subscriber side, cheers, and thank you for your support (...what a waste of build-up)

This has been an emergency message from the fuck are you doing Dev broadcast system. It this was really an emergency...I'd be screaming we're all gonna fucking die!!!

So relax...its not like you'll never see us again either way ;)
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Spanish Localization Release (English version)
As I mentioned before, we've been working with a friend to do a full Spanish localization while at the same time making some minor changes to the original UI and game for any future translations....regardless if they are included in the game by us or otherwise, we want everyone to be able to enjoy the game in whatever way (or language) they find most comfortable.
We would like to thank our friend Joel once again, as well as another fellow gamer who helped with testing and corrections, but prefers to stay anonymous (likely due to the smut  haha)
That didn't stop them from assisting, and we're grateful nonetheless for their work. You have our thanks.
We've included a previous video of the early beta stages in this post, but if your really interested the download links are here for you to test it yourself, we would appreciate any feedback or bug reports if anyone has any issues. Enjoy!!!
On an side note, the text to speech has been added/updated fully to work with both languages to the best of my ability (mostly the interface)...unfortunately even though ren'py has a means to substitute words--its too much to correct the entire (terrible) default engine for every word it gets wrong, especially in other languages, but its at least fully functional for people if they do need to use it.
I don't really see this happening or I may have put much more effort into it--and I will if I ever find that i'm mistaken.
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Publicada la localización al español (de España) - Special Edition

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Publicada la localización al español (de España)

Como comenté anteriormente, hemos estado trabajando con un amigo para tener una localización completa en español y, al mismo, tiempo haciendo cambios menores a la interfaz y en el juego para futuras localizaciones... Independientemente de si están incluidas por nosotros o no, queremos que todos puedan disfrutar del juego de la manera (o en el idioma) que les resulte mejor.
Nos gustaría agradecer una vez más su ayuda a nuestro amigo Joel, así como a otro compañero jugador con las pruebas y correcciones, pero que prefiere permanecer el el anonimato (probablemente debido a la obscenidad del juego).
Esto no les impidió ayudarnos y les agradecemos su trabajo. Les damos las gracias.
Hemos incluido un video previo de las primeras etapas de la versión beta de esta publicación, pero si realmente estás interesado, los enlaces de descarga están disponibles para que puedas probarlo por ti mismo. Agradeceríamos cualquier comentario o informe de errores si alguien tiene algún problema. ¡Disfrútalo!
Como nota al margen, el texto a voz se ha agregado/actualizado por completo para que funcione con ambos idiomas lo mejor que he podido (principalmente la interfaz)... desafortunadamente, aunque ren'py tiene un medio para sustituir palabras, es demasiado corregir todo el (terrible) motor predeterminado para cada palabra en la que se equivoca, especialmente en otros idiomas, pero al menos es completamente funcional para quien necesite usarlo.
Realmente no creo que esto suceda o habría puesto mucho más esfuerzo en ello, y lo haré si alguna vez descubro que estoy equivocado.
Hasta la próxima vez que decida hacer algo loco (ya viene, créelo)... este es el desarrollador, despidiéndose.
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La localización al Español (de España) está en marcha (Spanish Translation)

Tenemos un amigo preparando la localización al Español de nuestro juego. Aunque no podemos garantizarlo oficialmente ya que solo hablamos Inglés (malamente), estará incluida en el juego cuando esté lista.

Está a medio camino sobre la parte actual de la historia, así que estará disponible mucho antes de lo previsto.

Es mi primera vez (como en lo demás) haciendo una localización en ren'py aunque he probado la mayor parte de su funcionamiento y no he encontrado mayores problemas... Tal como comenté en la última publicación, he preparado el juego para facilitar a los traductores que sea todo lo más simple y rápido posible para ellos, una vez la interfaz esté terminada.

Seguramente habrá algunos cosillas la primera vez (pun) y, tras las pruebas extremas iniciales a las que someto siempre el juego, incluiremos la actualización tan pronto como terminen la traducción, ya sea poco después o posiblemente incluso la incluyamos en cada lanzamiento, dependiendo de si tienen suficiente tiempo para hacerlo después de que revisemos nuestro propio inglés sin retrasar los plazos de lanzamiento. Una vez que tengamos una versión básica en funcionamiento, publicaré algunas capturas de pantalla.

También comentar que encontré algunas traducciones... no oficiales... mientras navegaba por la web. Si estás interesado en hacer una oficialmente, puedes comunicarte conmigo a mi correo electrónico en la sección acerca del juego y te enviaré un paquete de traducción.

Prefiero agregarlas al juego correctamente que tener a alguien más reconstruyendo nuestro juego sin mi conocimiento, sin importar dónde puedan terminar; no tengo tiempo para perder en una cacería de brujas... pueden elegir confiar en versiones no oficiales bajo su propia responsabilidad, pero quiero dejar la puerta abierta a cualquiera que quiera hacer una traducción y quiera incluirla en el juego oficial en lugar de tener que portarlo en cada actualización por sí mismos.

Hasta la próxima.
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Spanish Translation in the works

We have a friend doing a spanish translation of our game, although we can't guarantee it officially since we only speak english (poorly), it will be included it in the main game whenever they have the time to work on it.
They're already about halfway through the current story portion, so it should be available much sooner than expected.
It's my first time (like everything) doing a translation in ren'py but I've already tested most functionality and haven't had any major issues... as I said in the last release log, I prepped the game for minimal repetition for translators so its as simple and fast as possible for them after the initial interface is done once.
I'm sure there will be some minor kinks the first time (pun intended), but after the initial extreme testing I always put the game through, we'll be including the update as soon as they finish the translation--either shortly after, or possibly even included in each release depending if they have enough free time to do it after we double check our own engrish without delaying release timeframes. Once we have a basic version up and running i'll put up some screenshots.
I've also stumbled across a few...unofficial translations...while browsing the web, if you're interested in doing one officially you can reach me at my email in the about section of the game and I will send you a translation package.
I prefer to add them to the game properly than have someone else rebuild our game without my knowledge, regardless of where they might end up--I have no time to spend going on a witch hunt...people can choose to trust unofficial ports at their own risk, but I want to leave the option open to anyone who might like to do one and have it included in the official game rather than porting it each update themselves.
Until next time.
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