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Nobody Cares profile
Nobody Cares
Nobody Cares
I write interractive and filthy fiction for fun, fame and fortune.

Планы подписки

USD в месяц
Coin Tosser

A writer requires no great compensation, only fervent adulation. Each coin tossed is a massive encouragement to keep going and bring you more.

You will also get access to all news and update posts.

2 подписчика
USD в месяц
Valiant Reader

In this dark dark world where everyone writes and nobody reads, each person that sits in front of a page is a true hero and deserves to be called valiant.

With this tier you will get access to all my posts and illustrations. Including special illustrations voted by Horny Bards and Matreons.

15 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Horny Bard

For those who like my song so much that, not only do they want to show their appreciation, but also for it to be heard far and wide.

Those supporting me at this level not only will have access to exclusive illustrations that I will commission each month but can also vote on what to commission next.

0 подписчиков
USD в месяц

For those who have deep pockets and no fear of the buyer's remorse. By supporting me with this tier, you are not simply telling me to keep going, your are shouting it in my ears and by the Goddess I will listen!

As a sign of my deepest gratitude, not only will you get all the benefits from the of the lower tiers, but also your name in the end credits, in a BIGGER FONT and also with a dedication.

3 подписчика

Добро пожаловать!

  • I am currently writing the Queen of Phalli, an erotic parody of the Underdark of the Forgotten Realms setting.
  • I strive to post a new chapter at least once every 2-3 months and keep each chapter at least 40000 words long. I also do my best to make each path and passage distinct from the other and worth reading separately.
  • I fully intend to see this project complete, no matter the amount of the donations, but a few coins tossed my way will certainly speed up my work.
Nobody Cares

My games - latest versions

The Queen of Phalli
Chapter 9.6 - Download
Walkthrough - Download
Looking Back
Complete 1.1 - Download

Nobody Cares
Публичный пост

My games - latest versions

The Queen of Phalli
Chapter 9.6 - Download
Walkthrough - Download
Looking Back
Complete 1.1 - Download
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Nobody Cares

Devlog 01. 25

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Nobody Cares

Happy new year

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Nobody Cares

Exclusive Content 12. 24

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Nobody Cares

Chapter 9. 6 Public Release

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Nobody Cares

Chapter 9. 5 - Available for Valiant Readers and Above

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
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  • Возможность общаться напрямую с автором контента через чат на сайте.


18 подписчиков
102 поста


With this much, I will be able to commission more art for the game. These will be illustrations from a professional artist and I will strive for quality over quantity.
$182 of $1,500
per month
Should we reach this goal, this project and eventual future projects will not simply be a hobby or a side gig, they will be bill payers. I will dedicate to them much more of my time and will be able to post a new chapter every month, rather than every five to seven weeks.
$182 of $3,000
per month
Should we (somehow) hit this ambitious goal, will allow me to be at least a little generous. I will donate 1 every 5 dollars made above this milestone to a charity fighting against human trafficking, agreed upon in a poll.

Другие Звёзды


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  • Доступ к контенту на этой странице.
  • Поддерживать автора контента материально - единоразово или на регулярной основе.
  • Возможность общаться напрямую с автором контента через чат на сайте.
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