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MilkyNail (MariaMod)
MilkyNail (MariaMod)
Hello! My name is MilkyNail(MariaMod) and I create porn games. That's my little hobby. I publish updates every (other?) weekend! IF YOU SUBSCRIBED, SEE THE PINNED POST

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MilkyNail (MariaMod)
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Next step in my work

Hello everyone! We're here today for some small talk and I'll try to keep it as short as possible. Just know that I wanted to do this for a few months already.

My first game was Young Maria. A simple text game that was my personal great success. Then I got tired and made a few small text games, abandoning each one. I tried to make Homelands, my first 2D game, but was crushed by how difficult it was for me. Then I made a few more text games, but all the time I wanted to go back to Homelands, to 2D.

I decided to "take the L". I'm a sorry developer and adjustments have to be made. A lot of abandoned projects in six years taught me a few things. And I will list them below. These lessons will be my guidelines for future work.

  • I want to make 2D games. Text games are cool, but I want to do more than that. Yes, sorry again, Morning Coffee was also born to be abandoned. It was part of the plan.
  • The next game will be 2D. And most importantly, I will not abandon it. That's my sacred vow. If I get bored? Rest. If the game sucks? Rest, then improve. If people hate it? Ask, then change. Good games have been made for years, I get it now.
  • I know how to make text games, but I'm a newbie in 2D. Don't skip steps in learning, don't pretend I'm a programming pro.
  • Use AI. Don't get me wrong, I hate AI and my games will never contain AI code/art. But AI is good for teaching me how to code and for drawing concepts for my artists. It's useful and I can't ignore it as an indie developer.

For the last few weeks (when I wasn't sick with a cold lol) I've been studying Godot, talking to AI and my coding friends. They pointed out a lot of my mistakes I made while working on Homelands a few months ago. And I'm super happy about that! I won't make a huge list of those mistakes to save your time, so just trust me, I guess...

Thanks to all of you for your support. Again, no more abandoned projects.
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MilkyNail (MariaMod)
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No update today, sorry

But I'm still working every day. And you will hear from me in two weeks, I plan to show the fruits of my work then. I'm working on something big, yeah.
Sorry and thank you for understanding~
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MilkyNail (MariaMod)
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Morning Coffee v1.1.0! Better chances

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Hello everyone! This is a relatively small update. I tried to add one extra thing to the game, but it didn’t work and I had to remove it completely. A few days were wasted. Still, I’ve decided to release this update anyway.

In v1.1.0 I’ve made events more frequent (30%->40%), increased the clothing bonus (5%->10% per level) and added a makeup that gives another 10% to the event chance. Players said there was not enough content and the chance of triggering scenes was too low. I decided to start with the second problem. Work events can be summoned with 80% chance and I personally think that’s way too high. Please tell me if I’m right.

I also added Kitchen and Bathroom for the future. They lack content, yes. And I moved Messages to Laptop, because they ‘feel’ better there.

UPD v1.1.0
– Added optional morning rituals. Basically they are reminders in the left side menu that appear in the morning and remind the player to drink coffee (if necessary) + apply makeup + take useless birth control pills.
– Added a Bathroom. You can apply makeup there in the morning. It gives an additional +10% chance to trigger events. I also added the ability to take contraceptive pills, but it has no use for now...
– Added a Kitchen. You can brew coffee there. It will give you +20 energy. It’s free, but you can only drink it twice a day.
– Messages moved from Phone to Laptop. I had planned to use messages in scenes of Evelyn’s daily life, but the architecture of the system I created is clearly not suited for that. That’s okay, I’ll just use them differently now by creating scenes differently.
– Now all boss activities like Working/Loitering/Ordering will have a higher base chance of occurrence (30%->40%). This may still not be enough, but let’s start small for now. I also increased the chance of events appearing in the Club (lvl2 boss) and Gentlemen’s Club/Racecourse (lvl3 boss) scenes by 10%.
– Also, clothing now adds 10% per level to the base event chance. (Previously added 5% per level).
– Now you can recover 70 energy in the morning instead of 100.

Well, again, please tell me if the chance of triggering events is too high. And see you later, folks!
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MilkyNail (MariaMod)
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Morning Coffee v1.0.0! A final touch~

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Hello everyone! What a month it was… Anyway, the v1.0.0 is here! I still can’t believe it, but here we are.

In this update, I added a little bit more scenes to existing bosses, some content to Messages (they are not so useless now), and improved the Watch Porn and Social Media sections in the Laptop. Basically, this is what I wanted v1.0.0 to look like. This game still needs the 4th boss and more events, scenes.

But to be honest, I have to ask the fans for their opinion about further development. When I started making MC, I made two rules for myself: to keep it relatively simple and to ask the fans what they want to see in this game. That’s what I’m going to do next – take a survey from some people.

If you would like to participate in this survey, feel free to DM me on Discord. My name is milkynail.

UPD v1.0.0
– Added the ability to send and receive images in Messages.
– When you get a new boss (including the very first boss, Mike), he will now write to you in Messages. This always happens when Evelyn enters the Living Room.
– By the way, the chat with a certain boss is only available after he has sent you a message. Just a small detail.
– Added one last message from the first boss, Mike. On the evening of the day when the player changes him to Richie, Mike will text you to tell you that you did not act nicely. And you will have the opportunity to give him some valuable advice.
– I’ve included a final message from Richie. It contains 4 pictures~ I really hope that the size of them is comfortable.
– The Watch Porn section in the Laptop now has 9 gifs, three for each of the available levels. They get more and more perverted as the main character gets more and more corrupted, and there are “thoughts” of the main character for each gif. These gifs weigh a lot, unfortunately I was not able to compress them all to a comfortable size.
– Now, while Loitering with Mike (lvl1 boss), there’s a 15% base change to encounter a new scene. Hypnotized by a porn video on a cell phone, Evelyn starts to masturbate. And Mike catches her. You need 25 points of Corruption to make things even more interesting and see 3 new gifs~
– Added a tiny NSFW event with a gif to Loitering with Richie (lvl2 boss). Tiny but cute.
– Added 10 random pictures to Social Media (in Laptop). Beautiful or ‘cringe’, they reflect the internet and let players feel this section better now.
– Fixed an embarrassing bug that caused messages to not display at all.

Thanks again for your patience! Don’t forget to text me if you have anything to say about Morning Coffee, and see you later!
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MilkyNail (MariaMod)
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Morning Coffee v0.9.9! You’ve got a message!

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Hello everyone! What a month it has been. First of all, I planned to make this version v1.0.0, but… I want to add more content in the next update. This game needs some more scenes and activities. Then it will be v1.0.0!

But what did I add in this update? Two things: a new visual style and a messenger! And yes, I spent a whole month on it, working on it every day. I promised myself that Morning Coffee would be a simple game without complicated systems, but the messenger was something I couldn’t get out of my head for months! I had it implemented. It’s pretty neat, but I still have to add content to it. It will be done in a few weeks.

I also wanted to add the “road” system for the main character to navigate around the city with  scenes, but for some reason I couldn’t figure out how to do it. I know that MC is a game that can use the road system, and I agree, but every time I try some kind of travel, it feels off. I will think about it more though, maybe there is an elegant solution.

UPD v0.9.9
– Added Messages to the Phone! Now you can receive messages! But they still need to be added so that the player can receive them, this is in progress. For now, the messenger itself has been created.
– Purely for the test, bosses will send you messages when you do not wake up on time from too low Sanity. You can reply to them and say that you’re sorry for oversleeping.
– Converted all animations from .gif format to .webp format, which reduced the weight of the media folder by almost half without any loss of quality!
– Changed the visual style of the game. This affected absolutely everything, including headers, links, fonts, buttons, backgrounds, media… Everything.
– Fixed “back” links in the Wardrobe and Online Clothes Shop. Tiny change.

Thank you for patience! I really hope that v1.0.0 will be great. Or at least promising. Stay warm!
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MilkyNail (MariaMod)
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Morning Coffee v0.9.8! Gentle Victor!

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Hello everyone! First of all, I’m sorry for taking so long. Like I said, I was out of work for two weeks. Everything is fine now.

In this update I added the third boss – Victor. A soft man with a jealous wife. There are not many events and the new locations are fairly boring. But I had to cut corners to release the longest update ever as soon as possible. I plan to add more content in the future.

By the way, the next update (v1.0.0) will be all about decorations. Adding colors, music, art. SMS to the phone and roads to the “world”? Not the last fourth boss, no. For two reasons: I’m pretty tired of doing identical things, and right now the game can use at least some improvements. There is a huge list of things that people have asked me to implement or change, and in most cases I totally agree with them. It needs to be done.

UPD v0.9.8
– Created a scene for the transition from the second to the third level. Victor – CEO of this company – will approach the main character in the middle of the work day if she has 200 points of Corruption. To get this event with a 20% chance, you will need either to Loiter or to Order Food. Victor will offer you an after-work date, and from that day on you will be able to actually go on an after-work date with Victor (there will be a link in the lobby).
– In the third level office, you will be able to work just like the previous bosses. But this time, Victor will take you with a 40% chance to one of two locations: Gentlemen’s Club or Racecourse. The main character is now a personal assistant and must accompany the boss to business meetings! There is also a third location, but we will leave it for the future. There are some problems with it for now.
– In all the above locations, each action takes one hour, adds 3 Boss Relationship points and removes 5 points of Energy.
– In the Gentlemen’s Club, with a 25% chance, you can meet an old gentleman Jim, who will openly tell you that Victor used to go to this place with his wife.
– In the Gentlemen’s Club, with a 25% chance you can meet Jenna, Victor’s former classmate who is now selling him information. She is a lesbian and with a 60% chance she can start showing you signs of attention that will end with cunnilingus in the bathroom. This event has 4 new gifs.
– At the Racecourse, with a 25% chance, you may meet a stranger who offers to bet on the victory of an old lame horse. The chance of winning is only 1%. But in case of victory the main character will receive $ 1000. And in case of failure you will see one of four new gifs.
– In Racecourse, there’s a 25% chance of meeting William, a former friend of the boss, with whom they’re not on the best of terms. Word for word, William fucked the protagonist in the throat for money, thinking she was Victor’s daughter. The event requires 250 units of Corruption and contains 5 new gifs.
– While Loitering, there’s a 15% chance to see an event where Victor talks to his wife on the phone. Be a good assistant, crawl under the boss’s desk! This event contains 3 new gifs.
– While Loitering, there’s a 15% chance of stumbling upon an event where the boss is bothering the protagonist during her rest. What does this have to do with anal sex? A riddle. And this riddle contains 4 new gifs.
– While Ordering food at the office, there’s a 30% chance you’ll stumble upon a cute SFW food scene.
– Changed the tier-1 job status from “Assistant” to “Helper”. “Assistant” will be a tier-3 job status.

Thank you for your patience and sorry again for the long delay. See you in a couple of weeks! Stay warm!
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