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Virtual Indecency profile
Virtual Indecency
Virtual Indecency
My name is Steven and I produce adult visual novels.
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Subscription Tiers

per month
Tip Jar

Access to my patron only feed where I post frequent updates about my progress.

My undying gratitude for supporting my work!

1 subscriber
per month
Tip Jar Plus

Receive each release one week before the public release.

My undying gratitude for supporting my work.

0 subscribers
per month

All previous rewards. PLUS receive each new release one month before the public release.

1 subscriber
per month

All previous tier rewards. Receive a full walkthrough of each chapter within a week after the initial release. Receive a weekly preview image (every Friday) from the next chapter. An alternate costume for one character in each chapter. (Character voted on each month by $10 and $15 patrons)

1 subscriber
per month

ALL previous tier rewards. Beta test each release. You will receive an (officially incomplete) preview of the game one week before anyone else! You can message me directly if you find any bugs or typos that need to be fixed before release.

1 subscriber


  • I am currently working on the adult visual novel, Jericho Island about a group of high school seniors on a spring break trip gone wrong.

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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