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ultrakojima profile
I'll be publishing both nsfw and sfw 3d art made with honey select 1, usually with futa, big tits, clits, dicks, and ass. Subscribers will get access to the high quality raws, be it images, video, scene data, and character cards for the various girls and guys I've created in Honey select 1.
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Títulos de Assinatura


Public content, no paywall.

USD mensal
Supporter Tier

Thanks for supporting me. You'll get access to the voting polls i'll hold every now and then for suggesting new characters to make or various studio scene render ideas. (This is basically just the donation tier)


USD mensal
Ultra Tier.

You get access to all my uncensored 4k art and certain paid mods. Your vote will count twice as much as the lower tier.


USD mensal
Ultrakojima's Character Card Collection

You get access to all my Honey Select 1 Character and Coordinate/Clothing cards that I make available in this tier. That also includes my custom mods that are used on said characters (Like unique accessories and tattoos/skintex files). The collection grows bigger as more people commission characters from me so you might want to stay subscribed for future releases or commission me directly for a specific character. Every lower priced tier is also available to you for as long as you are subscribed.


USD mensal
$70 Commission Tier

Only pledge here if authorized. Read my pinned commission details graphic if you are interested in commissioning me to make a character, or art scene of your choosing.


Assinaturas limitadas (0 de 4)
USD mensal
$80 Commission Tier

Only pledge here if authorized. Read my pinned commission details graphic if you are interested in commissioning me to make a character, or art scene of your choosing.


Assinaturas limitadas (0 de 4)
USD mensal
$100 Commission Tier

Only pledge here if authorized. Read my pinned commission details graphic if you are interested in commissioning me to make a character, or art scene of your choosing.


Assinaturas limitadas (0 de 4)
USD mensal
$140 Commission Tier

Only pledge here if authorized. Read my pinned commission details graphic if you are interested in commissioning me to make a character, or art scene of your choosing.


Assinaturas limitadas (0 de 4)
USD mensal
$150 Commission Tier

Only pledge here if authorized. Read my pinned commission details graphic if you are interested in commissioning me to make a character, or art scene of your choosing.


Assinaturas limitadas (0 de 4)
USD mensal
$170 Commission Tier

Only pledge here if authorized. Read my pinned commission details graphic if you are interested in commissioning me to make a character, or art scene of your choosing.


Assinaturas limitadas (0 de 2)

Bem vinda

  • High res nsfw pictures (sometimes animations) and progress posts of said images.
  • Scene data of complete works and clothing coordinate data for use in Honey select.
  • Character cards made by me for your personal use in Honey select.

I'll be publishing both nsfw and sfw 3d art made with honey select usually with futa, big tits, clits, dicks, and ass. Subscribers will get access to the high quality raws, be it images, video, scene data, and character cards for the various girls and guys I've created in Honey select 1.

My Pixiv account page If you want to see any works I might have not posted here: Fanbox:

-My Ko-fi if you want to donate or make commissions to me: My twitter where you can also DM for commission inquiries:

-Here is the illusion soft discord and the new pastebin where most mods and technical help is aggregated for users if you need the more basic community mods for functionality:

-HSResolveMoreSlotID is key to identifying and downloading community mods from the cards or scenes you obtain, plus it lets you organize fix errors with your installation of the game and mods so I deem it necessary to have. Here is a link to the most up to date version of it as of this post:

You can use my character cards and scenes anyway you want, I still own the rights to all of them (not the IP rights to preexisting characters), just credit me as the source if you do happen to post any of my works somewhere. Obviously don't share any of my paid content just in case it needed to be stated, mutual trust and all that.


私のPixivアカウントページ もし私がここに載せていない作品を見たいなら: ファンボックス:

私のKo-fi(寄付や依頼をしたい場合): コミッションのお問い合わせはDMでも受け付けています。




A subscrição dá-lhe:
  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Creator.
  • Capacidade de apoiar sua Estrela contribuindo - uma vez ou de forma recorrente.
  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.


1 assinante
31 publicação


para alcançar
o objetivo
The more money I get from this, the more time I can dedicate to making quality content outside of my job.

Outras Creators


A subscrição dá-lhe:
  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Creator.
  • Capacidade de apoiar sua Estrela contribuindo - uma vez ou de forma recorrente.
  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.
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