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Tronnyverse profile
I make video game let's play videos on YouTube & I'm working on a web comic.
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Creator Stats

9 posts


to reach
the Goal
OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! People subscribed to me (*///*) Um... Hi?
to reach
the Goal
With this goal, there would be a good amount of people interested in my content and I will make it clear what my life goals for my channel and other future projects. This mean I'll make a video going over why I created my channel and what are my intentions with the channel, for the future and what you guys can expect with possibility of asking me some questions. I'll make a Q/A video, a week or two afterwards, to respond to anyone's questions about the future as well as general things they want to know. From this point on, I would consider this the beginning of the road.
to reach
the Goal
With this goal, the amount of people interested in my content might actually make me shed a tear. As you for I have more financial wiggle room to do to work with and I get upgrade my prehistoric early 2010s computer equipment to something more functional that would allow me to do want I love and improve the current quality of my videos to something better.
to reach
the Goal
Sweet goddess! Are you serious? You're making me blush! ^-^ With this goal, I can go to sleep in tranquility know that enough of you enjoy my content to help me reach financial independence. I would be eternally grateful to reach this heavenly gift.
to reach
the Goal
Upgrade my computer equipment. I'm currently working with an HP laptop that I bought in 2012 the year of the fall of the Mayan Empire don't you know. So yeah it's pretty out of date and would like to have a proper microphone for my video let's plays.

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