You help us to make our dream come true. In return we give you some quality game and adult fun. The most important thing - you get each new build a week before public release.
Access to fresh builds of the game and artwork
You help us to make our dream come true. In return we give you some quality game and adult fun. The most important thing - you get each new build a week before public release.
Access to fresh builds of the game and artwork
You really like our game. That inspires us to work even more. And we want you help us to make the game even better. So we ask your opinion from time to time. O! And early access to the beta of new build before public release.
Everything from the previous level
Voting power
You see the potential of our game and believe in it almost as much, as we do. So you have all the previous benefits plus early access to teaser art before it goes into the current build.
Everything from lower levels
Exclusive content
You love the characters and the story. You care so much, that we decided to make you our co-creator. You have a chance to implement you fantasy in one of the scenes. And you have all the previous benefits of course!
Everything from lower levels
Exclusive voting power