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Sean_Nsfw profile
Author and Independent Writer, creating soothing and angst filled fluff along with hot and spice smut for all to read~

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For those that want to read not only longer stories that have been published but also have access to my Novel Mating Rituals, anything that is published are yours to read!

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Your Story

Once per month I'll write you a 2,000 word story featuring a character of your choice, can be an OC or Fan piece, Nsfw or sfw, and if you like can include one of my OCs or any characters you choose withing reason and consent.

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  • Be able to see new pages for stories as I write them, getting early access to my creation process and what will be published.

Displaying posts with tag Chapter.Reset Filter

Hello everyone! I have another chapter of the long growing Lulu's Adventures story! We are at the...

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до достижения
этой Цели
Commissioning one of my favorite artists for a custom cover piece of Lulu's Adventures!

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