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Roadiesky profile
I am Roadie, I am an artist, digital artist who makes nsfw content and looking into other mediums of creation. Still transfering my work over, the subscribestar post limit causes things to start trickling in.

Subscription Tiers

per month

-Participate in Polls -See sketches of current work -Support me with what you can, a little helps and no shame in it, glad to have you supporting me.

25 subscribers Bean ; The Nerds
per month

-Previous benifits -See current work in its low res jpg format

30 subscribers Bleeb ; The Nerds
per month

-Previous benefits -See finished work in higher res png format.

85 subscribers Skrimbim ; The Nerds
per month

-previous benefits -Get a pin up drawing your own OC, Full detailed and shaded, simple bg(limit 1 drawing a month). -limited number of subscribers in this teir

Limited (5 out of 5) subscriptions
FLOAB! ; The Nerds
Limit reached


  • You will get to see my current works and comics that I work on and participate in polls and suggestions

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging โ€“ one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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