For those who just wants to join in for the ride :D
Because every bit counts and the thought even more so.
For those who just wants to join in for the ride :D
Because every bit counts and the thought even more so.
For folks that wanna one-up stowaways and be gosh darn heckin’ cute about it.
The mini hat is reserved for the fanciest of the fluffs.
For folks that get the hands riled up every dinner!
Remember to compliment the chef or you'll get a taste of their hardtack cuisine!
When you need some bang for the buck!
Did you know that every 10th barrel unloaded has a free prize in it?
For folks that wants to man the guns to blow stuff up.
A heads up, pirate insurance doesn't cover Tinnitus apparently.
The years will go by and the weary boat tosses and turn, creaks and groan, snaps and pops. But Monke will be there. Monke will fix. Monke is love. Monke is life.
Folks that keep the crew in check and the boat afloat.
The bosuns are rumored to prevent sinking through the sheer force of flexing sexily.
Armed with haunting songs and tall tales, bards ease the restless of crews and guide them into the dead of night. When life is good, Bards make it better.