Midnight Paradise Shawn's Walkthrough + Improvements + Cheat Mod

Game creator: Lewdlab
This mod adds an in-game walkthrough for every character and story event in the game The walkthrough menu contains dynamic  guides that  let you track your progress for each character and see the requirements needed to trigger their scenes and advance their story. The  mod guides  also show all requirements for getting all possible extra  dialogue  options and seeing all possible extra content during events and scenes.
Stats screen: in Main girls tab, showing stats of the girls and Story completion bar (for their main guide) and a green check to show when there guide is completed

Clicking "objectives" or tapping the "m" key opens mod menu

TIER DOWNLOAD: Mod Download Post

Public DOWNLOAD:  Patreon

Unzip the mod and put the folder named "game" into your  "Midnight Paradise" folder and click 'replace files'(if asked to).