Perks for all subscribers
For Filthy Festival and CubCon, I am posting the html file as it progresses as a WIP.
This will not be so for C(L)UB CENTRAL as it features several OCs that are not in the game for monetization purposes, though at a later time I will post a Scene Selection update for my subscribers to enjoy.
I might do the same for stories, though they will lack the features of the Inkbunny postings like cursive and bold letters.

Perks for Raunchy Readers
Contribute in polls that are binding. The voting power will have significant impacts on a variety of subjects that revolve around my games.
At the moment there is a vote for an additional character to be included in the ending scenes of C(L)UB CENTRAL.
A Vote about voting has been held. Any votes that result in a tie will move to a public vote on Inkbunny!

Rules for Hardcore Reader suggestions

- Only furry or feral characters, no humans!
- No sparkledogs and otherwise un-natural beings for my current Twine games, CubCon will allow for sparkledogs that will have their glowing features explained as being paint, a costume or something similar.
- Any OCs must be your own, or you must get the owner to EXPLICITELY state their consent in a PM to me over on Inkbunny

Once again, Hardcore Reader subscribers will be allowed to make 1 suggestion pr month.
This can be for a scene, for a character, for a story. I might write out 500 words or 5000 words, depending on my mood and my muse and the content involved.
Consider a suggestion as like a wing-it kind of thing, I'll take what is suggested and put it into writing, following the broad scopes of what is requested.
One additional thing: My games have a narrative, and if for instance you wish to make a scene happen that goes against the story I have in my mind, I will politely say no. Heh, you won't know until you ask, but like main characters like the Player Character and those near will probably be off limits for many things (at least until the narrative allows it. I will let you know via PM if such is the case)
I am currently making a monthly Suggestion thread here, but the suggestion can be made over PM as well!