Three Days to Port V0.06.1

In this update I fixed a couple of bugs around the farm, and revamped the kobold cave a little bit. There are several new images and one new scene for the kobolds, though the images still need a little work. The kobold cave revamp will continue, I want to make the big and small parts to the cave a little more distinct from one another. AT THE MOMENT, you can find the new scene stuff in the kobold cave mostly if you're small. Though there is one picture that only shows up in one of the big scenes!
This update is much more small than I had hoped to make! In the early part of the month, my AC was broken, so it was too hot to focus on writing, and in the second half of the month, I was in a haze of post surgery pain. I had thought I would be fine to work right after the surgery, because the following day it didn't really hurt. The day after that though the pain got bad enough that I could hardly think, even while drowning in pain killers. The pain has gotten a bit better in the past couple of days, so I did my best to put together something small! The AC is fixed, and I even got a personal AC for my room, so ASSUMING THERE ARE NO FURTHER DISASTERS, I should be much more able to focus on making the game in August! Thank you for your support and understanding! <3

You can download the game here: 

You will need quest installed to play it, which you can download here: 

The PREVIOUS version can be played publicly online here:

Thank you for all the support! It means the world to me!<3333