Hello everyone...

I guess most of you already heard about the current "events" going on in the AVN community...

I can't go much into details around here (more infos on my discord and on many other dev discords right now), but to make it short, I have to stop working on  my game... At least until things cooled down enough.
I know, my game was on hold for months now because of reallife reasons and I am really sorry about that, and with this shit going on now I can't say if I will ever be able to finish it. 

I already thought about starting a new game when I have the time for it, but for now I think it will stay mostly silent around here.

Thank you all for the very interesting journey so far, and sorry for disappointing everyone who waited patiently for a new update...
When I ever start a new game I will plan things ahead and hopefully learn from my own mistakes.

See you around,