Hello my fantastically flummoxed fellows!! Lord Strange offers his heartfelt apologies for disappearing for so long. You see this one was trapped at the center of the inner circle of thought. While he was away, however, he did a lot of thinking and writing and rewriting. You see, after writing the latest update, Becca's Broken Dreams, Lord Strange realized there were a lot of continuity issues that needed to be take care of and plot holes that needed to be filled. The forthcoming update includes the story in it’s entirety from the very beginning through Becca's Broken Dreams. Lord Strange highly recommends starting from the beginning so you can benefit from the re-writes that had to happen to ensure your immersion in the story is complete. This one promises you will not be disappointed.

      Lord Strange is still here to weave tales of erotic debauchery the likes of which you have never before been privy too! While he has his own proclivities to be sure he would simply LOVE to hear all about yours. Please comment below and tell this one your heart's desires. What is it you would like to read about? What gets you going?

      Strange Universe is doing away with the free subscription tier. If you would like to read the regular and decidedly vanilla version of Paige Turner - Origins you may do so free of charge at literotica.com by searching the Author Index under Erotic Stories and for Lord_Strange. This one has just posted a major update there which includes major re-writes to all previously posted updates as well as a brand new chapter, Becca's Broken Dreams. It is still under review by the Lit moderators so it will be while before it's available to read but you can still read original posts in the mean time.

       That leaves the decidedly twisted version to be posted here. So if you want to read Paige Turner - Origins and all future twisted tales of the Strange Universe you would do well to subscribe here. Lord Strange promises you will not be disappointed. He will be posting very short but very spicy snippets of the twisted version for the public but these snippets will only serve to whet one's appetite.

       Lord Strange's stories all take place within The Strange Universe. Please see the pinned post, "It’s a Strange Universe," below for a brief but enlightening description of The Strange Universe.
      This one's writing is very organic in that he's never fully in charge of where things will go or how they will get there. The main events are set but he is often as surprised as you are by the journey the characters take between them. That is why this one loves writing and telling stories and it's his hope that you will enjoy them enough to support Lord Strange's passion. The more you support him the more content he'll be able to provide.

      This one is also highly interested in collaborating with other creators who may be in need of a fair to decent writer with a positively twisted imagination. English is Lord Strange's mother tongue and so he would be quite honored to help clean up any dialog for creators whose first language is not his own. Feel free to reach out, this one is sure we can come to an amenable working relationship.

       One day Lord Strange hopes to convert any and all tales of the Strange Universe we create here together into Adult Visual and/or Kinetic Novels. He simply does not have skills necessary to create in those mediums at this time so if you happen to be adept with graphics Lord Strange would love to collaborate with you to bring stunning visuals to these tales. When finances and free time become available Lord Strange will devote himself to learning the necessary skills, however even then he would love to be working with a team of talented artists in order to share the workload. What this one can do, and quite well in the meantime, is tell fantastic stories. Twisted stories. Shocking stories. Stories that titillate and entertain. Stories that provoke laughter, sadness, or anger, love and lust.

       All things being equal Lord Strange is learning as he goes. He invites you along for the ride as his writing and his processes improve with experience. This one will release updates as often as possible but only when he feels a piece is ready. The best stories aren't written, they're re-written.

Welcome! The Strange Universe awaits!

Your not so humble storyteller,
Lord Strange.