Hey guys, I wanted to give a proper update on what I've been working on lately and share some thoughts on my mind. I was in a bit of a slump, but I think I've managed to dig myself out of it. In some ways, it has always been difficult for me to openly and earnestly express myself. It might be somewhat of a surprise since you've seen me draw all kinds of disgusting porn, but there has always been a level of separation and reservation in those stories. Even sitting down to write this leaves me feeling vulnerable and anxious. Unfortunately, that's something new for me. Back when I was doing tutorials, I didn't have this anxiety block that I've developed over the years, so I'm really trying to get over this miserable hump.

So, I've been trying to explore more and be honest about my interests instead of burying them and trying to create something that would appeal to a wider audience (in light of the Judy comics which may seem insane, but there is logic behind it in my head, I swear). The point is, I feel like I need to delve deeper into these things and be open about them regardless of their appeal. I hope my new focus on art as well as writing and lore-building will keep me interested.

Let's discuss what I've been doing one by one:

First off, I've been exploring my Elgin character, specifically before he was isekai-ed onto Earth. I haven't discussed the character much or given a flat-out explanation. I tend to show rather than tell, but I think it's time for me to lay out my thoughts on him, so I'll be making a follow-up soon. It's been fun to design outfits for him and change his body type and disposition, as the idea is that he was more cheerful and thinner before being forced into crusty old America, chowing down on cheeseburgers and wearing yoga pants.

I've been doing a lot of sketching and inking, revisiting some older works and giving them a fresh coat of paint. Many of my older works were fine, but I had attached too much expectation and anxiety to them, so they ended up just sitting in folders as I kept creating new doodles.

Additionally, I've been converting some older art into Hilling from Ranking of Kings and enjoying combining humiliation with lore and captions. Attached to this is the worldbuilding project I've done as an idle thing to occupy my mind from time to time. I'll discuss it more soon, but mostly it's about super slutty female royalty. There is reasoning and text to attach to this which I'll post soon.

Lastly, I picked up my Homestay characters again and extended some of the lore and characters to involve more Gilfs (grandmothers). I haven't thought much about them but have made progress in finalizing the story. Believe it or not, Homestay Queen is over 100k words... Not sure how to finalize this, so I've been enlisting help from friends to sort of manage it since it's too many words now for me to handle alone in my opinion.

Queued projects:

Judy needs a print edition and I'm ready to do the fundraiser this month. I'll give more info asap.

I want to update Prismblush with stories and tutorials, and the same goes for my YouTube channel. We'll see how that fits into the scheme of things.

As always, thank you for following and supporting me. Your continued support has helped me realize the value of my fans who have weathered through this period of my life. Expect more art and stories soon.