The Cardinal Sins

There are a lot of things that can be good about adult games, and a lot, an awful lot that can be just plain terrible. Not bashing any game(s) in particular, but let's review a few of the most egregious sins

  • Terrible art. This can be just bad work, or it can be flat out recycling the same old 3D models we've all seen from the popular games. If you're going to make an adult game, I suggest that the art be fappable. Why else do it?
  • Terrible engrish. The writer's main language may not be english, but it's honestly not all that hard to find a fan or two who can point to the most glaring errors. Fix the typos, please.
  • A lack of plot. Variously interconnected sex scenes unlocked through grinding is not a plot. Tell the player what the plot cues are from the very beginning. Stick to them.
  • Grinding is not gameplay. Yes, I know that some people accuse Patronus of requiring grinding, but that's mostly ignorance speaking. Give players a mechanism to avoid most of the worst grinding. If you want to reward them for grinding anyway, sure... reward masochism.
  • Know where you are headed. Related to a lack of plot above, it's a cardinal sin to not really have a clear idea of what your game is about and how to make it unique.

What are your favorite evil sins of bad games? Join our discord at: and tell us.

More posts about 3.2 coming soon.