Stat Sheet -- Y3 End

Y2 M8
  • Name:  Elizabeth Elsie Livia Ambrosia
  • Age:  Older than whatever is legal to be in porn in your country
  • Time Since Transmigration:  1 year, 7 months
  • Height:  4’10’’
  • Bust:  Larger than her head; they can be seen from behind her, if she has her arms raised.
  • Waist:  Narrow
  • Butt:  Big enough to sway with every step.
  • Sexual status:
    • Very experienced slut.
    • Broken Incest taboo
    • Growing nymphomania -- 1 orgasm required per day, has trouble repressing her desires
    • Sexuality:
      • Cock love - Moderate
      • Cum addiction - Minor and growing
      • Tentacle lust - Hard to ignore
  • Mental status:
    • Accepts that she is a slut
    • Determined to get through the plot of Alchemical Corruption 12 without becoming too much of a slut, whatever that means
    • Fully aware of how hot her situation is
    • Tries to deny she enjoys things getting worse
  • Talents:  [Archery - C], [Endurance - C], [Mercantilism - C],  [Seduction -C], [Fire Magic - B]
  • Blessings:  Alchemy, Hedonism, Restraint, Futanari, Family, Submission, Beauty, Parasites
  • Other:
    • 3-inch heels required
    • Bar nipple piercings
    • Merged brain slug parasite -- grants enhanced libido and overactive imagination, that can feel real.
    • Merged mouth parasite -- turns tongue, mouth, and throat into a sex organ, inhuman cock-milking musculature, source of sexual hunger.
    • Merged cunt-tail parasite -- A spade tail that opens to suck cocks, source of sexual hunger. 

Y3 M12
  • Name:  Elizabeth Elsie Livia Ambrosia
  • Age:  Older than whatever is legal to be in porn in your country
  • Time Since Transmigration:  3 Years
  • Height:  4’10’’
  • Bust:  Can be seen from behind with her arms down.  Two hands can’t cover one breast from end-to-end.  Jiggles are nearly impossible to stop without staying totally motionless and also holding her breath.
  • Waist:  Narrow
  • Hip:  Breeder’s hips; a sway is needed with every step.
  • Butt:  Massive, jiggly, begs to be spanked and groped.
  • Sexual status:
    • Very experienced slut.
    • Broken Incest taboo
    • Growing nymphomania -- 1 orgasm required per day, has trouble repressing her desires
    • Sexuality:
      • Cock love - Moderate
      • Cum addiction - Minor and growing
      • Tentacle lust - Hard to ignore
  • Mental status:
    • Accepts that she is a slut
    • Fully aware of how hot her situation is
    • Very aware she enjoys things getting worse
  • Talents:  [Archery - C], [Endurance - C], [Mercantilism - C],  [Seduction - C], [Fire Magic - B], [Elemental Magic (basic) - C]
  • 16/27(28?) Blessings:  Alchemy, Hedonism, Restraint, Futanari, Family, Submission, Beauty, Parasites, Free Use, Power Play, Hyper Sizes, Cattle, Monsters, Error(?), Romance, Domination
  • Other:
    • 6-inch heels required
    • Merged brain slug parasite -- grants enhanced libido and overactive imagination, that can feel real.
    • Merged mouth parasite -- turns tongue, mouth, and throat into a sex organ, inhuman cock-milking musculature, source of sexual hunger.
    • Merged cunt-tail parasite -- A spade tail that opens to suck cocks, source of sexual hunger. 
    • Techno-piercings -- Piercings on the nipples and clit that can change shape and vibrate on command.
    • Techno-horns -- Horns that can pick up wireless signals and play them straight to the brain.  Can have odd effects.
    • Techno-eyes -- Massively accuracy buff, can see different spectrums of light and energy, can change pupils to pink hearts
    • Magical Engine Heart -- Grants MP regeneration buff and [Elemental Magic (basic) - C]
    • Permanent Producer -- The right stimulation will always cause her to produce milk; doing it regularly over days increases the rate of production.

Shimizu, Y2 M8
  • Time since transmigration:  Around six years
  • Height:  6’1”
  • Curves:  Lean and muscled
  • Sexual status
    • Experienced, dominant, herm
    • Four testicles, leaving her constantly backed up
    • Addictive cum
  • Mental status
    • Enjoying being a dommy herm very much.
Talents: [Mental Enhancement - D], [Physical Enhancement - C], [Swordsmistress - B]

Shimizu, Y3 M12
  • Time since transmigration:  Around seven years
  • Height:  6’1”
  • Curves:  Lean and muscled
  • Sexual status
    • Experienced, dominant, herm
    • Four testicles, leaving her constantly backed up
    • Addictive cum
  • Mental status
    • Enjoying being a dommy herm very much.
    • Feels like she fits her own skin
    • Getting over being kidnapped from her home
Talents: [Mental Enhancement - B], [Physical Enhancement - B], [Swordsmistress - A]

Sumiko, Y2 M8
  • Height:  5’3”
  • Curves:  Two sets of milky tits.  One of the bustiest people on campus with an ass to match.
  • Sexual status:  Eager masochist; adores getting abused and fucked.
  • Mental status:  Greedy for sex and pleasure.  More intelligent than she seems.
  • Talents:  [Scientist - A]
  • Other:  Cowgirl.  Comes with horns and a tail, and a lot of milk.

Sumiko, Y3 M12
  • Height:  5’3”
  • Curves:  Two sets of milky tits.  One of the bustiest people on campus with an ass to match; the pleasure of being milked and the amount of milk produced has been increased.
  • Sexual status:  Eager masochist; adores getting abused and fucked.
  • Mental status:  Greedy for sex and pleasure.  Very intellegent.
  • Talents:  [Scientist - A]
  • Other:
    • Cowgirl.  Comes with horns and a tail, and a lot of milk.
    • Demi-god.  Contained a divine shard with the power to alter all of reality.

Omori, Y3 M0
  • Height:  5’1”
  • Curves:  Skinny and flat
  • Sexual status:  Addicted to Shimizu’s cock; virgin otherwise
  • Mental status:  Cautious about this group of crazies she’s joining.
  • Talents:  [Nature Magic - B]
  • Other:  [Angelic Womb Tattoo] blessing

Omori, Y3 M12
  • Height:  5’1”
  • Curves:  Huge tits, wide hips, pregnant belly.
  • Sexual status:  As bad if not worse than Sumiko, if that’s even possible!  Adores being pregnant and milked, and being the center of gangbangs.
  • Mental status:  Doesn’t really care about the Land Grab; only wants more pleasure!
  • Talents:  [Nature Magic - B]
  • Other:  [Fallen Angel Womb Tattoo] blessing

[Blessing: Alchemist's Fortune]
[Requirements:  Make an item using alchemy with an SS or greater quality core ingredient.  Craft over 20 items in one day using alchemy.  Salvage a failed alchemy craft with success of at least A-]
[Effects: All elixirs, drugs, and potions produced by you have increased potency and increased chance to be successfully brewed]

[Blessing: Mental Fortitude]
[Requirements:  Complete a period of raw, hedonistic, sexual pleasure which:
  • Lasted at least 18 time slots, not accounting for sleep.
  • Had no significant benefit behind the rationale of indulging in said period.
  • Could have been stopped at any time due to your own self control.
  • Was not undertaken while having the blessing of: ‘Bodies Fortitude’
[Effects:  You can no longer be mentally broken by pleasure.  You will always have the ability to choose to say no if pleasure is the only boon.  Pleasure reduction due to repetition is limited to one half of the initial pleasure of the action.  Your indulgence shall always be by your own choice.]

[Blessing: Bodies Fortitude]
[Requirements:  Complete a period of raw, hedonistic, sexual pleasure which:
  • Lasted at least 18 time slots, not accounting for sleep.
  • Had no significant cost of forbearance that affected your rationale of indulging in said period.
  • You enjoyed fully by completely abandoning your own self control.
  • Was not undertaken while having the blessing of: ‘Mental Fortitude’
[Effects:  Your body can no longer break due to pleasure.  You can always feel better, and pleasure from repeated acts can only get diluted to, at most, half as pleasurable, no matter how much abuse your body undertakes.  Your indulgence shall always feel wonderful.]

[Blessing:  Futanari’s toy]
[Requirements:  Be involved in enlightening a hermaphrodite as to their true nature as humanity’s best self.  Be trained by a hermaphrodite for two months at a minimum.  Have at least three core habits be adjusted due to said training.  Be addicted to hermaphrodite cum to the point where you would willingly debase yourself for it.]
[Effects:  All training by futanari has an increased effect on you.  All feelings induced by Futanari, whether positive, negative, or neutral, are doubled.  Futanari are instinctively aware of this blessing and the effects it has on you.]

[Blessing:  Family Funtime]
Have 2 or more family members orgasm while thinking of you a minimum of 30 times.
Intentionally tease a family member to the point of causing an orgasm.
Be touched sexually by a family member with your explicit permission.
Cause 3 or more wet dreams in your family. ]
[Effects:  The bonds of incest have been broken.  Your family will no longer find the fact that you are related to them as a mark against you -- instead, it will only fuel their lust.]

year 2

[Blessing:  Sub’s Fun]
[Requirements:  Have spent eight or more subsequent time slots enjoying the mindless bliss of servitude.  Do not have the Dom’s Fun blessing.]
[Effects:  The more arousing an order is, the more likely your body is to obey before you can process it.  Once you obey an order, it gets much more difficult to disobey, with the difficulty increasing the longer your obedience lasts.  It is now easy to train you to cum, or not cum, on command.]

[Blessing:  Manic Vanity]
[Requirements:  Have spent an excess of one week worth of consecutive time slots in which your personal appearance has taken priority over less important things, such as wealth and non-mortal danger.]
[Effects:  CONGRATULATIONS my child!  You, who fully understand the true purpose of women in this world, have obtained my truest blessing!  I grant you PERFECTION!  No longer will your sweat smell!  No longer shall dirt smudge your makeup!  Even your bedroom hair after being fucked into a twitching doll of pleasure shall only remained artfully toussled!  It is so good to see one that agrees with me on what is important, and I wish you well in spreading my words!]

[Blessing:  Perfect Host]
[Requirements:  Have more than five parasites that have 80% or greater compatibility with you, that are 60% or more merged to your body, without losing complete control.]
[Effects:  Parasites have reduced nutritional requirements.  Parasites instinctively know you are an ideal host.  Parasite compatibility doubled.  Parasite merging speed doubled.  Increased understanding of parasite instincts.  Increased control over fully merged parasites.  Your parasites will not compete with each other, and instead synchronize seamlessly.]

[Blessing:  Sexual Signifier]
[Requirements:  Truly believe for a span of two or more days that it is naturally for you to be sexually used by others.  Cause three or more people to orgasm by using your body within a short time period.]
[Effects:  By acknowledging your purpose as a public sextoy, you can ensure others know what you are with ease.  Others will naturally find it proper to use you at their will, and viewers will not question their actions.  This effect can be enhanced or reduced by personal preference and willpower.]

[Servant's Bliss vr. C-17-A-0.7]
  • Be currently under an effect of submission and/or loyalty inducing mind control.
  • Be aware you are currently brainwashed with an effect of submission and/or loyalty.
  • Enjoy being brainwashed with an effect of submission and/or loyalty.
  • Dislike your master despite being brainwashed with an effect of submission and/or loyalty towards them.
  • Have the blessing of ‘Mental Fortitude’.
  • Be on the verge of either removing your brainwashing, or altering it such that it no longer has an effect of inducing submission and/or loyalty in you.
  • Have an important goal that is difficult or causes moderate to severe suffering.
  • Be torn between your goal and your brainwashing for a period of 5 or more minutes.

For those who struggle in this world, I offer a choice.
Submit, and be happy.  No more shall doubt plague you.
Resist, and struggle.  Those that enforce their strength shall be ever-more appealing, and yet easier to move on from.]

Year 3

[Flexible Body - Elizabeth Ambrosia Variant]
[Requires one to follow the goddess of size’s commands with an almost disturbing enthusiasm.]
[Increases one's size cap and ease of growth for all sexual characteristics.  Increases the body's abilities to take physical inserts.  Unlike the normal variant, these effects exclude height and musculature.]

[Blessing:  Human Cattle]
[Requirements:  Within the time span of one month, for two or more separate kinds of farm animal goods, produce a total weight exceeding your own body weight.]
[Effects:  The following effects are true for all farm goods you produce with your own body.  The quality is significantly increased.  The quantity produced is increased by one fifth.  It is easier to further increase the quantity and quality of production.  It is more pleasurable to produce.]

[Blessing:  Broodmare]
[Requirements:  Give birth to four monsters that have an intelligence at category 5 or higher]
[Effects:  Increased fecundity.  All children you give birth to have a random trait improved by one category.  Monster children you have will view you as a perfect potential mate.]

[ERROR:  Catch the eye of ERROR while fighting a futile fight.  Have a small part of your mind still resist the irresistible brainwashing of an S-class or greater phenomenon after one month of time.]
[ERROR:  Nonconsentual mind control will never last longer than four consecutive hours on you.]
[ERROR:  Haha, there’s no
way anybody’s gonna get this message!  Hey, future me, Dick-Dominius Dom here, get one of our sluts to make this sound all official-like!  It should say something dumb like ‘report to admin’.]
[ERROR:  Twenty seven.  One above them all. And one more below them.]

[Blessing:  Romance Obsessed]
[Requirements:  During a moment of intense danger, realize that the most important thing in life is a romance between two fated partners -- while not having the blessing ‘Easy Prey’ or the blessing ‘Hard Predator’.]
[Effects:  You always know when one has true affection for you.  Those that would be a good match for you will have an easier time romancing you.]

[Blessing:  Easy Prey]
[Requirements:  During a moment of intense danger, realize that the most important thing in life is that you are prey to the strong, and that that is
so hot… while not having the blessing ‘Romance Obsessed’.]
[Effects:  Everybody that you would find attractive knows you are ‘easy prey’.  No effects are needed to make you easier, because you are already easy prey.  Your body will instinctively ready itself upon a predator that you find attractive moving to claim you.]