The Girls Warehouse

"There are always twelve models to chose from," the man in the lab coat said.  "Take a look around and tell me which one you like."
"Are they ... human?" inquired the businessman.
"They are grown naturally, yes," explained the scientist.  "But when we implant our chip, they become something other than human.  We call them hybrids."

"Will it ... she ... function like a normal human?"
"Depends on what customizations you pick, sir!  There's the Dorian Grey program ..."
"Who's that?"
"He's a fictional character.  The program is activitated in the chip.  All future biological development is arrested, but you can expect the remaining life span of your model to be at most ten years, because of the strain it puts on the cellular structure."
"Oh," said the businessman, as he pondered this option.

"We offer standard hysterectomy, unless you wish to obtain a breeder.  But this option is incompatible with a Dorian Grey."
"Oh, no!" the businessman said quickly.  "Definitely not for breeding, no!"
"Good.  Now, if you prize companionship, great.  But if you find conversation distracting, we offer removal of vocal cords, tongue, or both."
"You do?" asked the businessman, imagining the blissful life of having a mate who doesn't talk.  "That is an attractive choice!"

"Can I ... try one out?"

"We do not allow physical contact before purchase, but I'd be happy to call one into the office to introduce itself.  We can customize it with wigs and clothes, if you wish."
"No clothes, of course!" interjected the businessman.  "I am not a feminist!"
"Right you are," agreed the scientist.  "I do not believe that human females should have a right to clothes, but our products are yours to do with as you please, including clothing them."
"Good, property rights are important, of course!" the businessman opined.
"But it is more important that all females know their place, hybrid or not."
"Yes, yes," said the scientist, as he pulled up a list of available models.

In the great hall, under the watchful gaze of the clone soldiers, the products sat in silent agony, knowing that any false move would trigger the pain induction function of their chip implant.  They no longer even tried.  They just waited in passive, obedient apprehension ...

The full set of pictures will be available to Sponsors.