Why I do What I do

If you’ve explored this site, you’ve probably seen that a lot of my creations are taboo and kink related. I’m a firm believer in freedom of sexual expression. If you are not harming anyone by getting off… then please indulge yourself. 

This is a very confusing era in history. We are being told what to think and do from every angle imaginable; an algorithm is currently doing that thinking for us. In the not so distant future an Artificial intelligence (using something like neural link) will be able to read your thoughts and serve up exactly what will get you off at that moment in time. Should you be punished if what gets you off is not in the ‘acceptable’ list of things to get off to? 

Barring real harm towards another person or living being, I see no reason why it matters what that thing is. 

Stand with me and take our power back as individuals. Let no government, corporation or individual take away our right to cum. 

Kink is kink. Let’s keep it that way.

  • DS