English: You were expelled from your previous school, but for your luck, you were accepted in the "Stone College" where your sister studies, your mother works in the school store, and there is a sexy principal interested in you among other cute girls. During your days at school you will be able to visit the place where you must decide which events to follow to improve your relationship with the different characters, unlock sexual scenes, as well as receive improvements and unlocks to make your days at school easier. All characters in this game are fictional and are not intended to appear real. All characters are over 18 years old. The game contains strong language and sexual content. To play this game you must be at least 18 years old.

Español: Fuiste expulsado de tu anterior escuela, pero para tu suerte, fuiste aceptado en el "Colegio Stone" donde estudia tu hermana, tu madre trabaja en la tienda escolar, y se encuentra una sexy directora interesada en ti entre otras lindas chicas. Durante tus dias en el colegio podras recorrer el lugar donde deberas decidir que eventos seguir para mejorar tu relación con los diferentes personajes, desbloquear escenas sexuales, además de recibir mejoras y desbloqueos para hacer tus días en el colegio más fáciles. Todos los personajes de este juego son ficticios y no pretenden parecer reales. Todos los personajes son mayores de 18 años. El juego contiene lenguaje fuerte y contenido sexual. Para jugar a este juego debes tener al menos 18 años.
Monster Girls Chronicles is a turn-based strategic combat RPG where you have to choose the best composition of Monster Girls to defeat the different powerful opponents. Grow your team of Monster Girls by completing their missions to find out a little more about them and the world around them.​
Form a team of 3 characters for battles, where you must use the elemental abilities of each Monster Girls every turn to emerge victorious. These abilities can deal "Physical" or "Distance" damage to opponents, or use "Aura" abilities to temporarily increase a team member's stats, or cause negative statuses to enemies. You can also equip them with battle accessories to increase stats or equip them with magical tattoos that activate an additional ability that will be very helpful during battles.​
Recruit different Monster Girls, test their different classes, roles and abilities in battle. You can also learn about them by reading the book of monsters.
Each Monster Girl features a unique design, different conversation renders showing their personalities, and feature voice actresses.

English: From the Monster Girls Chronicles franchise. Ileana the Kunoichi is on a quest to take down her former master Lethal Hand and her followers. Hers Jump between her strongholds to eliminate as many enemies as possible and discover more of her past.

Español: De la franquicia Monster Girls Chronicles. Ileana the Kunoichi está en una búsqueda para derrotar a su antiguo maestro Lethal Hand y sus seguidores. Ella hers de ella Salta entre sus fortalezas de ella para eliminar a tantos enemigos como puedas y descubre más de su pasado de ella.