Tier Updates and Upcoming Changes.

General news:
Hello everyone, there are changes coming and I wanted to explain all of them. First of all, Bear Stout 1$ and Lavish Owl 2$ will no longer be accepting new subscribers, instead I’ll be raising the minimum price to 3$ with the new Macaw’s Sangria tier. This is the first of changes that I'll do to my pricing for the future, the other being change to how commissions work. In future I’ll be changing from 10$ a month to a flat fee of 60$ for a minimum of 6k words, with an additional 10$ per every 1k after that. Though that’s only once this semester ends, so I’ll not be taking any commissions for another 2 months or so.

How will this affect current Bear Stout 1$ and Lavish Owl 2$ subscribers:
The tiers will no longer be visible nor will anyone be able to subscribe to them but do not worry, it doesn’t mean anyone is forced to resubscribe at a higher price. What this means is that once you unsub, the only way to return is to go with the 3$ price. Nobody’s kicked out and you’ll receive all the stories like you used to as long as you’re subbed. 

Why the change: 
Transaction fees to put it simply. A long time ago when I made my page, I ignored the site’s advice to set the minimum cost above 3$, advice that was there for a good reason. For a 1$ tier, the transfer fee is 0.46 cents while for a 3$ tier it’s 0.66. Sadly math is math and as you may imagine, losing 46% of your income from a tier is far from rewarding anyhow.
A single subscriber at the 3$ tier is not worth three subscribers at the 1$ tier as you might have imagined but instead is worth almost five of them because of the transaction fees. A fee for withdrawing money can be even around 15$ dollars, which would amount to, roughly, a whole month of income with thirty 1$ subscribers. It’s just not feasible nor logical to keep this up. Things do look a bit better at the 2$ tier but it’s still far from good.

As you might have seen a long time ago, there were planned changes for the 5$ tier and they still are. I’ve been working on a bigger project recently and while it is still in works, it’s coming along nicely; my plan is for future 5$ tiers to be able to vote on additions to said project. This is still a bit of a far future but it’s something I look very much forward to. Once that happens, the current reward of a 1000 words story will no longer be a thing.
The tiers infographic has been updated accordingly.

That would be all, thanks for reading.