Weekly Update:

Not a great week for my writing. Art's going well, though!

Report Summary:
- Mahou May 19 and 20
- New sticker drafts (homestuck)
- Commission progress
- Personal art
- Free downloads
- Writing progress

- Reminder that I have shibari commissions open indefinitely!
- Cherub adopt still available now for slightly reduced price, but I'm no longer offering the ref sheets. Buyers can still get the color adjustment and color guide, but ref sheets will have to come separately.
- May's special offers for commission discounts are still Oviposition, Homestuck, and Aquatics (mermaids, kappas, fishfolk, etc.) You have until June 1 to make use of these discounts before I switch them out!
- The egg drive has been replaced with a tentacle drive instead, and the character who's getting tentacled is Karkat Vantas from homestuck. I'll be announcing when the drive is soon!
- Fixed up the adoptables on my buymeacoffee page
- Added ref sheet commissions (also 10% off until the 15th.)
- Still waiting for the cover of the Turnips of St. Judith, but the artist gave me an update! I can't show it yet but it's looking good!
- Commissioned a cover for Knot A Problem too, hopefully that's soon!
- Commissioned a cover for The Brotherhood of St. Bernard; I'm pretty excited to see this one!

- 25/1200 USD per month from subscriptions.
- 730/2000 USD earned for my repeatable art raffle goal.

Raffle Updates:
- Starting August 1 and then every four months, I'll run a raffle for paying subscribers; the winner gets either a custom cel-shaded image (simple background, maximum 2 characters) or a custom flat color image (simple background, maximum 3 characters.)
- The repeatable raffle prize is a fully lined and shaded piece of custom art. All add-ons are available for free. Entry into the raffle is automatic after someone purchases something from me.

Finished Works:
The following will be posted after June 15. In the meantime, here's some previews!
- Finished the Terezi/Rose flash sale sketch for greensunJade. Relatively simple but I kept waffling on what I wanted to do with it. It turned out good, though!
- Finished the OC flash sale sketch for CurseOfBoredom of their OCs "J" and Afenah. I'm pretty proud of how the lines turned out here.
- Finished the OC flash sale sketch of Wren's OC Aggie. The angle kind of snuck up on me, but it looks good!

Subscriber Exclusive:
- Finished the sketch for "I do BEE looking for a name" from discord; the subject matter is snuff/electrocution so I'm not 100% comfortable sharing outside of subscribestar. All versions of this image will remain subscriber exclusive.

Publicly posted this week:
- Had to take a short break to recover from going to Cebu last week so I'm a little late on Mahou May sketches, but I posted 19 and 20. Themes were Healer and Vampire.
- Posted a new witch; this is Silas Sabine, the Party Witch, whose nature is Desperate To Please. He's a huge psilocybin joke and I made him for Maeror as a grief seed piñata.

Art WIPs:
Commission WIPs:
- OC flat color commission for Shipyarn on discord has had a little lineart added but still a ways to go.
- Anonymous flash sale sketch hasn't been started yet.
- OC flash sale comic for Ratchet Akarui on discord in progress. I'm currently drafting out the proportions for the final panel.
- Flat color ref sheet for PEnfys has had some details added.
- Got a sketch commission from PEnfys of an OC comic so look out for that soon!
- Got a few sketch commissions from Dante Lord Of The Inferno on Discord too; I'm looking forward to these.

Other Art WIPs:
- Next puella adopt has had no progress.
- Chromian adopts have had no progress.
- Started some new merch instead of the soul gem stickers; might still do those, but right now I'm doing more beta trolls, this time with some flowers. Might do soul gems with symbolic flowers later.
- Somehow woke up this morning and finished Somnarine's ref. That's a surprise to me if there was ever one!
- More Mahou May sketches soon; we're in the last bit now! Up next is Mechanic.
- Khvorost in soulthread shibari has had no progress.
- Thumbnailing some DragonFable major arcana because I couldn't get the idea to leave me alone. Probably won't be finished but at least I'll do the thumbnails. So far we have Falwynn as the Fool, Jaania as the Magician, and Hansa as the High Priestess. Next is Lady Celestia as the Empress.

Writing Updates:
I'll be posting public previews from now on! Since these are liable to change pretty intensely though, maybe I should stagger them and only post each story once a month?
This week's preview is from Krampusnacht.

- Milk and Honey still being worked on but I haven't really added anything new this week. Here's how it starts, though!
- Knot A Problem has been removed from my BMAC page because I'm getting some new art for it and BMAC doesn't allow the sale of adult content. I'll be posting it elsewhere and adding art, hopefully for pay-what-you-want. Subscribers will still get to see the stories in full before public posting!
- "March of Robots 2021" is now for free download, but if you want to donate a little for me, please do! I've also attached it to this post.
- God Will Understand hasn't had any work done this week but I've outlined it a bit.
- Magical Yakuza Girl is being plotted out. I decided to go a little more the usual way and actually write some ideas down before thumbnailing everything; that means outlines, outlines, outlines. At present I'm aiming for 5-10 chapters.

- Naughty Little Helpers, re-titled Krampusnacht, is being worked on again, and I'm about to get to the sex scene. With luck I'll have it written out before Christmas this year, and I'll have time to commission or draw a cover as well. Fingers crossed!

Unfortunately, due to BuyMeACoffee's policies on adult content, I can't safely link it on the site, so if you like my work, please send me a donation or subscribe here on subscribestar! I'm also still looking for options of where else to sell my writing.

Other writing:
- Posted another fanfic based on the Maeror Magica RP server.