Three Days to Port Version 0.05

The latest version of Three Days to Port is ready!


You can find Trudy around the farm at various times of day! For the moment you can't really do anything with her in most of the places except look at her to see what she is doing. You will find though that at 1900 she goes to the kitchen to cook, and the scene stuff for her starts there, at that time! There's a very small scene for normal sized people, and 2 different scenes for small people. You can also go to the dining room at 20, when Trudy tells you that dinner is ready, to see the dinner scene, which works both when you're big and small!

There are also 4 new Trudy images~

The next few updates will focus on adding schedules and detailing to each of the farm characters. I'll probably focus on just one of them at a time!

You can download the update here:
There should also be a .zip attached to this post!

You will need Quest installed to play the update, which you can get here:

The private release is only available to play offline. This version will be able to play online when it is public! 

Please do let me know what you think, and share~
Thanks for playing~