I write and create 3D Adult Comics about several taboo topics.

Here is a List of my Stories so far and many more to come (Just click on the highlighted parts to get to the downloads ;)):

Forbidden Fruits (Brother/Sister/Slice of Life)
- Chapter 1 Complete (74 Pages) English Version / German Version for free
- Chapter 2 Complete (85 Pages) English Version and German Version if you´re subscribed to Tier 1 or higher.
- Chapter 3 Complete (190 Pages) English Version and German Version if you´re subscribed to Tier 1 or higher.
-Chapter 4 Complete (282 Pages) English Version and German Version if you´re subscribed to Tier 1 or higher.
-Chapter 5 Complete (251 Pages) English and German Version if you´re subscribed to Tier 1 or higher.
-Chapter 6  on going (136 Pages) English and German Version if you´re subscribed to Tier 1 or higher.

A Mothers Shame (Mother/Son)
- Chapter 1 Complete (212 Pages) English Version and German Version  if you´re subscribed to Tier 1 or higher.
-Chapter 2 Complete (303 Pages) English Version and German Version  if you´re subscribed to Tier 1 or higher.
-Chapter 3 complete (214 Pages) English and German Version  if you´re subscribed to Tier 1 or higher
-Chapter 4 on going (145 Pages) English and German Version  if you´re subscribed to Tier 2 or higher.
or (119 Pages) English and German Version  if you´re subscribed to Tier 1.

Short Stories
- A Naughty Little Office Jingle (80 Pages) English and German Version if you´re subscribed to Tier 1 or higher.

Release Schedule
I usually publish new pages every weekend for one of my stories, which means on one week you receive new pages for Forbidden Fruits and the following week you receive pages for A Mothers Shame. So both stories take turns each weekend with the updates.


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