The Awakening Walkthrough + Improvements

This mod adds an in-game walkthrough for every character and story  event in the game The walkthrough menu contains dynamic  guides that let you track your progress for each character and see the  requirements needed to trigger their scenes and advance their story. The  mod guides also show all requirements for getting all possible extra  dialogue options and seeing all possible extra content during events and  scenes.


  • You can now work at the cafe! added the job as an extra way to earn money (unlocks after learning how the coffee machine works) added the job as an extra way to earn money (unlocks after learning how the coffee machine works)
  •  Improving the dialogue UI by changing textbox and font added character portraits can be disabled in mod settings
  • Textbox transparency slider
  • Improved relationship setting (now when chanine names in the option player will be asked to select displaying name or relationship so when the name pops up it will either say "relationship" or "Name" for Example "Landlady" or "Abby" will shopw instead of "Landlady (Abby)"   (name and relations can be w/e the play wants) and play now can change what "Abby" refers to the lay as instead of the default "tennat"

TEIR DOWNLOAD: Mod Download Post

Public DOWNLOAD:  Patreon

Unzip the mod and put the folder named "game" into your  "Midnight Paradise" folder and click 'replace files'(if asked to).