Notice: Exclusivity and Content Warnings!

All my content going forward will be exclusive to SubscribeStar.
This Page will be undergoing maintenance to update things.

For new subscribers I will like to present a Content Warning.
The following Content Will Feature:

Implied or Explicit Rape or Non-Consent
  • Sometimes it's difficult to build scenarios that don't sound rapey, so this is added to explain that I won't dance around it too much and jumping through hoops just to make things consensual. No worries. This project is mostly a comedy and such things won't be heavily dwelled on. Sometimes the best remedy to cope with tragedy is laughter. I can confirm 85% of sexual encounters will be consensual.

Implied Mentions of Underage (Teenage) Sexual Behavior*
  • Some backstories may include sexual behavior between high school aged (15-18) teens. A character might mention giving a teacher a blow job once and one of the characters backstories may involve a sexual situation that lead to their current state.  This does not equal endorsement. Events are mentioned but not explicitly depicted.

Depiction of Acts of Cartoon Violence and some Blood.
  • This is funny, but I kind of have a fetish for this. I don't know why. I really am hyper fixated on wacky cartoon violence. Things may get excessive. But remember, I focus on them as cartoons so nothing will ever be realistically depicted. Characters can and will still die, though. 

Slurs or Excessive Profanity
  • It's just one character. He curses a lot. He says mean things. Its his trait. I do not endorse this behavior. He's suppose to be unlikeable. But luckily, he almost always gets his comeuppance. Can confirm he's not transphobic. He hates all women equally. Even this asshole can say Trans Rights!

Drug Use
  • Weed is cool, though. I fully endorse this. I don't smoke it much though cause I'm not sure if it interferes with my medication. Remember to practice moderation. Or not, I'm not your dad. 

REMEMBER: This Bunny does not endorse all the problematic actions and behaviors presented in the text. They're just cartoons. Learn to separate reality from fiction. This is simply my effort to allow myself to do dark and edgy content as a means to cope with my own negative feelings or trauma. However my goal is to not make things to bleak or miserable. I hope despite it all I can entertain you all with my work and if something gets too much for you, feel free to unplug.

I hope you guys can follow me on this journey to create enjoyable entertaining content while I can find a healthy and productive avenue to cope with my own personal mental health