Schedule & Set Adjustments - April

Hello everyone!

As I'm sure you recall, last month was mostly spent catching up on owed rewards and a few of my leftover commissions. I had meant to try and squeeze the Terezi and Peridot sets into the schedule somewhere, but my injury has been hindering me a lot as of late.

This month is going to be tricky as well, since I've had a lot of things on my plate. For the first 2 weeks of April my partner is coming over from the UK -- however during this time I'm still going to try and make time to dish out rewards or finish up some of the character sets.

Sadly there will not be a vote for this month, I'm going to choose something of my own volition and it's going to be a bit dialed back compared to the last sets -- but the Terezi and Peridot ones will still have a decent amount of alts as the prior ones.

Thank you all for sticking with me through this bumpy beginning, all of the irl stuff getting in the way of this has been a nightmare but I'm very thankful for the support and patience I'm given.

That's all <3