DK February Update:

TLDR version:
- New job so less frequent drawings
- This month’s commissions are already underway.
- New Salli comic
- Discord coming later this month!
Yay, it’s the second month of the year and I’m already late on the updates… WE’RE OFF TO A GOOD START. But there is some good reason as real life has been getting kind of hectic. I recently started a new job, not art related but it still takes up most of my time and leaves me exhausted both socially and creatively. So, expect drawings to be a little slower than usual (Even slower? Is that even possible? Hahahaha….*cough*). I do have some small stuff in the pipeline so expect to see some WIP’s and stuff soon.
First up, commissions for this month have already closed. Thank you again to everyone who got a spot and passed the form a long, it really means a lot. Please note, if your commission is “big” it will take a longer compared to the normal 4-6 panels. I’ll do my best to get it done as soon as possible.
Second, new comic is coming along nicely. No, it is not another couple comic (the first one isn’t even done yet and it is just stuck in inking hell), instead it’s a collab with a friend! It is Mass Effect related and is another Salli adventure. All I really want to say is that it involves some Quarian inside Quarian action~ I don’t know how long it is going to be, but I plan on it being at least 25+ pages. However, I am not doing this by myself so it may take longer than usual. In the meantime, I’ll have WIP sketches once it is fully rough sketched and put pages up on the subscriberstar. And the couple comic isn’t dead yet and it will be done before even one page of the Salli comic is colored.
Lastly, speaking of subscriberstar, I have been thinking on how to enhance supporter’s experience and make sure you guys are getting the most out of your sub. So, I am currently in the process of setting up a Discord server! You don’t need to be a full-on DK Crew member to get access and just the $1 is enough to get into the discord. And even if you cancel, you still have access to the discord, but you will not be able to see specific channels. There will also be exclusive emotes and such to the server, and I might host a stream there once or twice a month. I would also love to do like a game night with supporters but again this is all just ideas. Let me know what you guys want from this discord so it is all nice and prepared. ETA on it will be late Feb.
So that is what Feb is going to be like! Kind of slow but new projects are starting to take shape. Hopefully this new job doesn’t tucker me out too much, especially as my workload is slowly increases. Thanks again everyone for all the love and for enjoying my weird ass stuff. Subscriberstar members expect to see your speed paint this Friday, so until then I wish yall a good month!
Aight back to the grind.