Back in the days of the primordial soup, we were all one. There was no gender, only individuation, and soup is good for the soul. Love it or hate it, my work probably stirred some emotions in you, and I'm sorry about that! But it had to be. It was for your evolutionary health!
My name is Pee Rex. I was drawing hot Mario thwomp-monster chicks before it was cool, and I was an out-of-the-closet furry way before it was cool. I've helped a lot of people through gender stuff because there were not the best resources available when I was struggling through it, so I had to make a lot of gender discoveries myself. It's easier to relate through art sometimes what it feels like to finally live your best life, with attitude and enthusiasm. To me once I came out it was just life, so I like to communicate that in pretty pictures and stories, and I guess I accidentally turned a bunch of people trans in the process...
I do lots of bimbofication / sissification work, but the focus is less on dumbing down or humiliation, and more on self-liberation and spiritual freedom. It's just that, well... fashion is my obsession. So let's take all these cute bimbo dolls and dress them up and play!
I had a pretty bad episode of tennis elbow a couple years ago which didn't look like it was going to heal until I went to physiotherapy and I learned I had to actually exercise it. Drawing isn't just a hobby to me, it's a career, so this patreon is a way to take the time I already spend drawing for myself and my commissioners and bringing it to everybody in the form of comics and animations. I've got new ergonomics and my Animate keyboard setup is fast and furious, and not hand-torture, so I'll be streaming production of animations to the public, and some bonus ones for higher tiers!
Rewards begin with your name in the credits and monthly pinup poll participation, and scale up to all the usual cool bonus features, plus some one-on-one time with Rexie drawing content of your choosing. Hatch-Sticks and upwards can give feedback about what kind of direction they'd like projects to take and where compatible, I will work it in so that everyone gets to sweat a little. Greater tiers have more sway, due to the mass of their larger posteriors and tails. Discord and telegram are optional but not required. Let me know your preferred method of delivery for content.
Thank you for your consideration, and remember: Mama Rex thinks you're a goddamn miracle. Look after yourself out there!
{ Wipes a smoodge from your face }