Ty’raine and Eun’s rematch page 3 & 4

and just when we thought Ty’raine is gonna give Eun a T.K.O. Eun had a secret weapon up her -now ripped apart - sleeve.

Her Old powers as a Polymorph made her to grow Large! About as large as a literal Mammoth or a T-rex! Ty’raine can easily lift her up and throw away like a piece of paper but thats not what a ideal husband would do and besides, wheres the fun in that?

Ty’raine simply does what she always do to calm Eun’s rampaging power. Kissing her Anus til Eun cums! Ty’raine lured by the female hormones emitting from the volcano made of flesh and lust, sucks on its crater. and wiggles it tongue like a french kiss performed by a octopus.