Time to open up Balls Out: Nu Vagis 0.0.3

Hi, survivor!
Here we are to bring you a box with something sweet inside, which is a new version of our super-duper game Balls Out: Nu Vagis. Inside is:
  • 'Grab the bottle' mini-game;
  • New Bruhs at the Peep-Boy's Skill page;
  • Pop-up screens to help the players find the skills' descriptions before they make their choices in Chucky's cave;
  • Fixed 'black screens' where the game sometimes hung;
  • Auto 'skip mode' resets at important points so you won't miss anything no more.
  • The returned bruhs, icons and crowbars;
  • An upgraded Vene who looks much better now, as we've readjusted the compression method for her sprites.

And the links, of course:
Play, comment, spread the word and love 💝
Yours, Peepboy Co