
I think I have to apologise for not being as active as I should lately. As some of you know, I took a new job in august. Partly because they offered less hours. The plan was to have more time for the work I ACTUALLY love. Vore art. Of course it was a lie. Instead of the promised 36 hours/week I now work 49 hours... and the next week its 40. And if you manipulate the numbers a little bit, that somehow makes 36 hours/week... don't ask how. 
BUT, a lying *ssf*ck boss is not going to stop me from following my real passion AT ALL. 
I'm just trying to figure out a new routine to have more time for you. It will work. It always does.
And to all those AMAZING fans who are staying with me, even if there is a week without new content: YOU ARE THE BEST!!! You are a big reason for me to keep doing this.