Free community vote event. Thanks, kind strangers for the Devaintart Core. Cast your vote on what character to be created next in the journal comments or links. You can double dip on several vote polls.

The most popular idea will be created for free in the public gallery and placed in possible art bundles. Bonus art might be also created for sponsoring fans as well. Ties decided by coin flip. Votes ends around 5 days.

A) Rebecca

B) Stockings

C) Cat peach

D) Other

Disclaimer. Fan does not claim to own, or to have invented, any copyrighted characters, referenced materials. Transformative art and fun parody themes +18 characters (c) Cyberpunk edgerunner Rebecca / Nintendo Princess Peach / Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Gainax Stockings. Some fun suggestion by xXmnadyXx and other fans