Announcements for Backers!

๐Ÿ„ We'll be changing the way we handle backer rewards starting on January 2023.
As discussed in the server, we'll ask for a link to a Google Doc/Furaffinity/Toyhouse/Imgur, any way you got of hoarding your characters with their respective refs, and we'll choose what to do from there. This is to ensure we don't have to hunt you every month for an idea and we're not too limited on what's meant to be a bit of a fun reward moreso than a full fledged commission.ย 
If this method is a bit too vague for you or you don't wanna leave us unsupervised, remember you can always hit us up for more specific work, and we'll always be grateful for the continuous support no matter your decision.

๐Ÿ„ We'll be going away for December
Matt's family has been through a lot recently and it's important that we're there for Christmas this year. Unlike last time we won't be taking our working equipment, so expect no content from us during that month. Remember your subscription payment gets processed at the beginning of each month, so make sure to adjust your pledge accordingly before November ends if you wish to take a break from supporting us at this time.ย 

We'll keep you updated; if you decide to stick around you get many kisses from us and hopefully some good ol' fashioned sketchbook doodles!

We're aiming to wrap up Pork in a nice little bow before we leave, so if all goes well we'll leave you with plenty to chew on!ย 

It's gonna be an interesting couple of months, so thank you very much for sticking around with us, we hope you enjoy the content coming up!

- Mel