Hello everyone. Thank you for your kept support for me.

Sorry for the sudden notice, but there are some changes to Tier contents in Subscribestar.

The following changes will be made from October.

(1) Removing R plan ($1 Tier).
 Therefore, please cancel your R-plan ($1 Tier) during the month of September
 I will not be updateing R-plan ($1 Tier) in September.

(2) 'Access to my WIPs' in R-plan ($1 Tier) will be from E-plan ($3 Tier).
 I have been cropped the monthly illustration WIPs up to now, but from October I will be updated without cropping the monthly illustration WIPs.

(3) 'Early access to Illustration the month in low-res JEPG' in E-plan ($3 Tier) will be from A-plan ($10 Tier) only. (It will revert to the previous method)

I'm looking to increase SubscribeStar-only sketches from now on.
I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you.
If you have any questions, please comment.
Thank you for your kept support.