New Update v0.15

Sorry for the delay, guys.
I have no excuses, I'm just retarded.

But I have some good stuff in store.
DL: Mega


Sophie train molest:
- Pretty big event that spans over several scenes and has a nice custom made animation at the end
ps. I can do custom keynote animations now, which is pretty neat.

Sophie shower:
- Complete overhaul and pretty much a complete event with several different options and scenes

Anna & Sophie evening event:
- a continuation on anna teaching sophie some useful skills

Anna dressing
- You can spy on anna in morning; nothing special

Coming up next:
This game has become a big cluster fuck. The graphics and game mechanics are all over the place.
Nothing makes sense and a lot just feels clunky and unfinished.
RPG Maker also makes my life unnecessarily difficult, when I want to do some more complex scenes.
Every time I work on this game I just want to delete everything and make it all new, but that would be stupid.
That's why I will now manly focus on the main story and bring some kind of closure to this pile of doodoo.