Draykan vs Cithyth

In this match of the Tournament of Pleasure, it's Draykan vs. Cithyth.

Every month, I post a bonus story over on my subscription websites, and I like to open up the vault after a certain amount of time to let everyone read these works. If you'd like to read these early and have a say in what their content actually is, consider joining one of the services. All premium supporters see the bonus stories, and those who give at 5+ USD/month get a say in what the stories entail.

The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series about the travels of a kobold wizard named Tik Tik. She seeks out new friends to meet and learn both the secrets of magic and the fun of various ways of having sex.

This series is funded directly by the generous contributions of my patrons and commissioners. If you'd like to see more Tik Tik, consider joining my subscription services or commissioning more chapters. I also accept commission work for other projects. If you like Tik Tik, you can also support my work through sticker purchases.

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