Import Process V0.81

This should help people get chunks of mass effect exported from the games into blender. 
Download the PotatoFire777_ImportProcess_v0.81.7z file and extract it.
Included you will find,
  1. (Blender addon tested in 3.0 should work with any 3.x version)
  2. ME_ImportProcess_PF.odt (Libre Office document explaining more info/steps)
  3. PotatoFire777_MassEffectLegendaryExplorer_v3.1.7z (My build of export tool)
  4. ReferenceMat_v0.1.0.blend (Used for creating material library from existing exports)

I you have any questions, comments etc.. let me know on discord PotatoFire777#0840

Website contains more info about using the tools