An update, an apology, and an explanation.

But not in that order. First off, I'm sorry for the radio silence. Though, I guess if you've been sticking with me for any length of time, that's to be expected. 

My wife recently had a major surgery, and I had figured that I would be able to find the time during her early inpatient recovery to keep working. I was dead wrong. I barely had time to sleep, let alone do anything. Since the surgery, it's been one complication after another. I'm actually typing this from the hospital cafeteria while she is in the OR for debridement and reconstruction of the initial surgical site. 

Every day feels like another new emergency or problem. Sleep is fleeting, as I need to help her re-dress her surgical site every few hours, and she had a nasty habit of sleepwalking in the first few nights she was home. So I basically can't sleep soundly unless someone else is there to keep an eye on her, which isn't terribly often. When I am awake and rested, my energy needs to be dedicated to her care. Laundry, food, dressing, bathing. I'm there for all of it. 

So there hasn't been a whole lot of time for writing. I had hoped that my duties would be minimal, and that having her at home with me would help keep me from distracting with the myriad little ADHD things that make my daily writing such a struggle. But that could not have been further from the truth. 

We're all hopeful that today will be the last major complication, and that we can just have the normal day-to-day of post op recovery of wound care, light activity, and lots of down time. I have been wanting to write, but every time I have the opportunity all I can think about is sleep, and every time I have the energy there are about a hundred other things that need to be done.  

I can't make any promises on when I'll be back to work, but since when have my promises meant anything, anyway? I hope you're all doing well, and I hope to be scintillating and exciting you all again soon.