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En développement : An Apartment in Paris - Intro (v0.01) - TBD

French Kiss: the team

 French Kiss  brings together passionate creators who create a visual novel video game for adults titled An Apartment in Paris. The objective is to offer a gaming experience with the French touch, that little extra crispy spice. On the menu: adventures in Paris, seduction, mysteries and even… fantasy. The game runs using the Ren'py engine, and will offer state of the art 3D renderings in HD. Our "dev team" is composed of: 
  • Corellien who writes the script. hold tight to your seats, you're in for unforgettable adventures and a roller coaster of emotions. 
  • Batman.exe and 𝓟𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷3𝓓-𝓐𝓻𝓽 are 3D artists, they produce immersive and stereotypically french 3D illustrations. They had a great help from Douve, Francois M. and Kasami at the beginning of the development.
  • Ryanu is in charge of writing the code (Ren'py/Python). ps: it's not a snake! He also composes music to accompany the different sequences. 
  • Mara'Lor and Monthy will take care of French to English translation, in an effort to allow the game to reach an even larger audience.
In order for the game to be of the highest quality possible, we need your support! It will be available in early access for contributors, who in return will also receive numerous rewards. Join us, follow us on Discord and take part in the great adventure of the French Kiss team!

An Apartment in Paris: the game


An Apartment in Paris is a visual novel video game for adults.
Louis, a young man who has just graduated, goes to Paris to study there. He arrives by train, lands with friends of his parents, whose son is a childhood friend. He planned to squat with these people for a few days, the time to find his own apartment. As the game progresses and as the days go by, his relationship with them evolves according to the player's choices. During the days, Louis will also quickly start lessons and meet teachers and students in his private school. In the evenings, he must look for an apartment and make visits to accommodation, so many opportunities to meet people. Among these new characters, some are involved in supernatural events. Gradually, the adventure shifts into fantasy.
The encounters made by Louis mix strong emotions, according to the player: friendship, love, sex, violence, secrets and dangers will be there. And remember: your choices matter!

Am I going to like this game?

This game is for adults who value storytelling, branching choices, comedy, and drama.
In An Apartment in Paris, there is sex, but it is not the heart of the game. We want to offer you a real adventure that mixes the very real daily life of a young man in a new city and the mysteries that awaits him around the bend, with their share of dangers and difficult choices. If you like your decisions to have an impact on the game, if being afraid for the characters you like increases your pleasure to play and follow the story, then this game is for you!

Why should I become a patron?

The creation of such a game requires significant expenditure and we need funds to move forward in development. The team members rely on this source of income to improve their resources and we need to buy technical elements necessary for the creation. Those who become our bosses help us improve the quality of the game over the months by allowing us to invest in rendering equipment and the purchase of assets essential to the development of the game.
So, no matter the sum you pledge, you're not buying a game from us, you are supporting the game development and, moreover, you're motivating us to complete the game.
Your patronage will of course be rewarded!
Prices shown in the tiers are monthly donations, paid up-front, that you can stop at any time. Please check the tiers for more information on the rewards we offer for your pledge.
If you happen to like what we are creating and want to show your appreciation through a donation, please consider being our patron. No donation is too small and every donation is appreciated.
Our heartfelt thanks to you for reading our page and for playing our game!
The game produced by the French Kiss Team don't include any illegal or forbidden content according to the SubscribeStar Adult TOS.